Monster Mash

Monstrosities, Dinosaurs & Strange Creatures...
- An American Werewolf in St. Olaf
- 'And Then She Stuffed Me Inside Her Giant Vagina...'
- CSI: The Yukon
- Eaten Alive! Attack of the Mighty Meat-Eating Mutant Monster Mice!
- 'Freddy, Go To Hell!' [30-Second Bunny Theatre]
- Freddy vs. Thumper [30-Second Bunny Theatre]
- God vs. The Flying Spaghetti Monster vs. Anthony Fremont vs. Xenu vs. Poseidon vs. The Amazing Mesmero vs. Evolution
- Godzilla 101
- Here There Be Monsters...
- 'Honey, Warm Up the Cloner!'
- 'I Can't Believe It Ate Jerry!' 'Does It See Us?!' 'Jesus, Keep Your Voice Down!' 'I Just Wet Myself!'
- 'If You Want To Survive in a Horror Movie, No Sex' [30-Second Bunny Theatre]
- I Smell a Sequel...
- It's Begun: Planet of the Apes
- Jaws [30-Second Bunny Theatre]
- Mad Sci-Artist's Abominable Feagull Aborted
- Monster Manual Omission?
- My Gargoyle Went To Mount Rushmore & All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt!
- The Mythical Chupacabra...Captured?! Jackalopes & Unicorns Flee Texas
- Now the Jackalope Found? Mermaids & Bigfeet Flee Minnesota
- 100 Years from Now, the Few Human Survivors Will Know 9/12/05 As the Day 'Emperor Super Spud' Was Born
- Scalia's Greed Foiled by Constitutional Genie
- Scientists Plan 'Pleistocene Park' in US
- Something Strange Lurks in L.A. Lake...And It Likes Tortillas!
- Something Strange Lurks in Loch Ness...And Her Name Is Lucy!
- A Special Message from Mexican President Fox
- The Week in Geek Pix [Bat, Great Cats & Ugly Dog], II [Bongo, Deep-Sea Fish/Crab, Dragonfly, Flying Spaghetti Monster, Foo Dogs, Giant Centipeded, Hydra, Snake, Spider], and III [Apes, Spider & Crocadile]
- 'You're All Gonna Die!' [30-Second Bunny Theatre]
- For Aliens, see Cosmos; for Demons, see Divinity; for Robots, see Technobabble; for Undead, see Necromancy

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