'All hail Shadowfoot, the Maker & Creator!
Lord of All That Is Really Neat & Fun!'
[Oh Yeah, D&D Geeks Love Me!]
God vs. The Flying Spaghetti Monster vs. Anthony Fremont vs. Xenu vs. Poseidon vs. The Amazing Mesmero vs. Evolution
Pop Quiz - Identify the Science: And then the all-powerful(A] magician The Amazing Mesmero!, B] God, C] Poseidon, D] alien warlord Xenu, E] Flying Spaghetti Monster, G] adorable little Anthony Fremont, boy-monster-god - as portrayed by Billy Mummy in the creepy Twilight Zone episode "It's a Good Life,"G] Laws of Physics and Biology)- with a(A] tap of his wand and puff of purple smoke, B] mere thought, C] strike of his trident, D] genocidal barrage of nuclear bombs, E] wiggle of It's noodly appendage, F] sinister glare,G] Big Bang)and after(A] saying "Abracadabra!," B] creating the universe from nothing and the first man from dust, C] several failed attempts, D] imprisoning his frozen Thetan enemies in a volcano on Earth, E] creating trees and mountains on a whim, F] wishing away electricity, singing, and the rest of the planet except his small hometown and a dwindling handful of terrified neighbors,G] possibly an eternity of repeating Big Bangs and Big Crunches - we may never really know)- astonishingly(A] conjured, B] created, C] created, D] created, E] created, F] created,G] facilitated)by means of(A] magic, B] divine will, C] divine will, D] pure accident, E]divine will, F] his God-like powers,G] evolution)the very(A] confused bunny, B] first woman, C] first horse, D] human soul, E] first midgit, F] abominable two-headed gopher,G] conditions necessary for the emergence of life) from nothing more than (A] a top hat, B] Adam's rib, C] a rock, D] alien corpses, E] possibly some alfredo sauce, F] a boring regular gopher, G] matter and energy) as(A] the audience gasps in delight, B] an afterthought - the All-Knowing didn't know Adam would be so lonely, C] his entry in the gods' Best Creation contest, D] revealed as prophecy by a science fiction writer, E] It's first attempt to create man, F] a cruel experiment to amuse himself after having killed all his playmates,G] supported by carbon dating, fossils, and all available scientific evidence)and to the fervant(A] applause of the crowd, B] belief of Christians, C] belief of Ancient Greeks, D] belief of Scientologists, E] belief of Pastafarians, F] but well-disguised horror of his terrified, ever-smiling mother, Cloris Leachman, G] contempt and dismissal of Christians),only to then(A] saw his beautiful assistant in half, B] punish all women with menstruation and eternal inferiority after Eve dared to seek knowledge, C] lose to Athena's olive tree creation, D] put his hands on his hips, throw back his head, and laugh and laugh his mighty evil laugh before flying back to his homeworld, E] try it again - creating cavemen, pirates, and supercool ninja assassins, F] command it to die, which it did, and then wish away "into the cornfield" another unlucky neighbor for thinking "bad thoughts" about him, G] let nature take its course). Today, Christians call this act(A] the heresy of witchcraft and grounds for stoning, B] the science of Intelligent Design, C] the foolish belief of dead Greeks, D] the foolish belief of Tom Cruise, E] ridiculous and irrelevant, F] heresy from what sounds like a blasphemous TV show and the reason Rod Serling is probably burning in Hell,G] a flawed if not false theory, like Buddhism, leprechauns, or the separation of church and state), but they would never, ever call it(A] harmless entertainment, B] Creationism in disguise, C] Intelligent Design, D] a "real" religion, E] Intelligent Design, F] harmless entertainment, G] science). Non-Christians call this event(A] sleight of hand, B] mythology and an unAmerican conspiracy to sneak Christianity into public schools, C] mythology, D] quite possibly the silliest thing they've ever heard, E] hilarious but just as scientific as A, B, C, D, and F, F] Best! Episode! Ever! - or maybe that's just me, G] fact), while President Bush(A] giggles with delight and claps his hands, dribbling cake down his shirt and squealing "This is the best birthday party ever!," B] thinks it should be taught in schools as science, a violation of the separation of church and state, C] now thinks a Greek cowboy named Poseidon invented Trident sugarless gum out of olives, D] never saw Battlefield Earth, E] spells it "spugetty," F] raises the Terror Alert Level to "Super-Duper Red" and declares War on This Anthony Fremont Kid,G] looks very confused, having spent most of high school drunk and barely passing "them fancy science classes" - suddenly feeling a nap coming on, he changes the subject in a panic: blurts out something about the War on Terror and evil and staying the course, spontaneously declares a Day of Prayer, checks his watch, snickers for no apparent reason, accuses Democrats of playing politics and hating God and America and their own mothers and our brave American soldiers, blesses America, scans the room frantically for Condi, wets himself a little, writes New Orleans a check for "a million billion dollars," wipes the sweat from his forehead and pokes himself in the eye, declares a War on Scientology, takes it back, declares War of Them Filthy Homosexuals and That Jon Stewart Fella, blesses America again, falls off his bike, and then points and shouts "Osama!" and, as everyone turns, runs out of the press conference - making that sound Fred Flintstone makes when he runs - off for another well-deserved vacation).
I laughed really hard at the part about G.W.B. thinking "Trident" gum was created by a Greek cowboy out of olives. As a science loving sort of polytheist, I really thought this was funny! Praise Logic! Hail Athena!
Corsair [my old seafaring core class that ended up being split into the less specific swashbuckler and several seafaring prestige classes, including the Cutthroat pirate and Sinbad-flavored Sailor on the Seas of Fate] *
What I Was Working on Before I Quit: time-warping Chronomancer prestige class and corresponding Evolutionary / Visionary / Primordialist / Clockwatcher prestige classes and associated spells, new extreme warlock variants Psychic / Metamorph with corresponding Mindreader / Pyrokinetic / Telekinetic / Clairvoyant / Metabolist / Mimic / Shapechanger / Amorph prestige classes, conversion of my old Geisha core class and related Femme Fatale prestige class and new Silk Rose / Diva of Renown / Embodiment of Poise and Grace prestige classes, positive-energy prestige classes the white necromantic Vivamancer / druidic Earthmother / priestly Lifegiver and corresponding spells, druidic Stormbringer prestige class, the symbol-based Runist prestige class and corresponding spells, the gifted prestige class the Angelic, the natural prestige class the Organic, the strange prestige class the Alien, the warlock prestige class the Goth, and prestige classes for all four the Destroyer / Progeny / Spellfist, jester prestige classes the dessert-lobbing Master of Pies / joybringing Harlequin / hapless Fool / cruel Trickster and corresponding Dark Clown revision, the sorcerer variant core class Sorceress, the cleric variant core class Priest, seasonal Autumnal Reaper / Herald of Spring / Winterkeeper / Sun Worshipper druid prestige classes, the deity-specific Apostle of God divine prestige class, Barbarian variants the Feral core class and raging Berserker prestige class, Persian-themed Sorcerer of Sea and Sky core class and Scorpion Warrior / Scorpion Magus / Snakecharmer prestige classes, the atheist Heretic prestige class, the all-knowing Savant prestige class, seafaring Corsair of the Seven Seas / Explorer of Lands Unknown prestige classes, expansion-by-demand of my Chicken Wrangler with corresponding Gnome Moleherder prestige class, mystical Zen Gardener druidic prestige class and grand Zen Master prestige class, skeptical investigator prestige class the Occultist, the uncanny Trickshot / crossbow-based Blazing Bolt / arcane Eldritch Bow / sling-based Slingshot archer prestige classes, light-based prestige classes the arcane Auroran / druidic Rainbowchild / dark Shadowcaster, classic Knight prestige class, the kobold Anklebiter prestige class, the opposing Gloom Disciple and Eternal Optimist prestige classes, the arcane Channeler core class, the Whip Savant / Musketeer swashbuckler prestige classes, the Master of Orbs prestige class, the Peasant Hero core class, new witch prestige classes Faerie Witch / White Warlock / Pentaclist / Mistress of Mirrors / Medium / Weather Witch / Beholder / Transmogrifist / Bog Witch / Warlock Arachne / Master of Cauldrons / Gypsy Witch / Scalemaid / Prestidigitatrix / Witch Hunter, conversions of earlier witch prestige classes Sister of the Moon / Winter Warlock / Violet Lady / Dreamweaver / Dabbler / Demon Witch / Mistress of Mist, the Spellbinder prestige class, the Whisper ninja prestige class, conversion of my Necromancer and corresponding core classes (Enchantress, Conjuror, etc.), and an array of monsters, including Constructs [Living Armor] / Dragons [Fire-Breathing, Sea Serpent] / Fey [Bogie / Fairy / Manaed] / Magical Beasts [Cerebus] / Monstrous Humanoids [Serpentine Medusa] / Outsiders [Cherub / Darkling] / Plant [Venus Mantrap] / and Undead [Grim Reaper / Haunted Forest / Haunted House / Living Hand / Nosferatu]
* [from the old D&D Boards that I never got around to updating and reposting on the new Boards]
I laughed really hard at the part about G.W.B. thinking "Trident" gum was created by a Greek cowboy out of olives. As a science loving sort of polytheist, I really thought this was funny! Praise Logic! Hail Athena!
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