
Superhumans, Comic Books & People in Skin-Tight Suits...
- Ah, Batgirl, My Old Nemesis...[P.S.: Love the Boots!]
- Coming Soon...Amazons, Sith, Penguins & Vampires
- D&D Comics on the Way?
- Exhibit A: Skin-Tight Suits, Exhibit B: 0% Body Fat, Exhibit C: Look Good in Speedos
- The First X-Man Born?
- He-Man Does 4 Non Blondes?
- Holy Alimony, Batman!
- Hungry Heroes Get Cranky
- Meanwhile, Back on Krypton...
- Must...Concentrate...
- New Spider-Man Villian? Or Firestarter II?
- 'Oh, Batman!' 'Oh, Robin!' Oh, No You Don't - DC
- One Day, I Will Be Your God
- Pocketful of Kryptonite
- Something Super This Way Comes...
- Spider-Man vs. Sandman vs. Hogoblin vs. Venom vs. a Partridge in a Pear Tree
- $tan!
- To Jim Belushi, Thanks for the Publicity! Julie Newmar
- Truth, Justice & Chastity Pants!
- Truth! Justice! And Coconut Curry!
- X-Men: Donner Spills the X-Beans, Guess the Good Directors Are All Busy, Halle Out, Jessica In X3?, Jean Grey on Dark Phoenix, Nightcrawler Bares His Fangs, Think X3's Ratner's a Hack? You're an 'Idiot', X-Man?!?, X-News: Magento, The Movie, and XeroX-Man
- For Supernatural Powers, see Arcana

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