Spider-Man vs. Sandman vs. Hogoblin vs. Venom vs. a Partridge in a Pear Tree

Spider-Man 3 Villains Revealed!
from Freeze Dried Movies
Sony has been taunting us for quite sometime now and have only given us clues as to who we might see in Spiderman 3, which hits theaters May 4th, 2007. What we know is only that Thomas Haden Church, Topher Grace, and James Franco will be in the film and that two out of the three of them are conformed villains. The truth can be found below and it's pretty black and white...
FDM has learned that Grace of That 70s Show will play the immortal Venom in Sam Raimi's third Spiderman adaptation. We told you guys a few months back that "someone" has snagged the rights to the character of Venom off of New Line Cinema and it was reported a few days ago that Grace had been "bulking up" - so we decided it was time to put the pressure on. Church will in fact play Sandman and that Franco will play Hobgoblin and not the Green Goblin II (like in the comics). No more info can be given at this time, but I've confirmed this with various sources and apparently it's quite well known.

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