The Jester
[D&D Core Class]
The Jester
Comical clowns, cruel pranksters, and silly fools, jesters are often the comic relief for those they accompany. Some may find their mannerisms and tactics annoying, even infuriating, while others enjoy their madcap ways and appreciate the many ways humor benefits them all.
Jesters are often human, gnome, or halfling.

Jester Prestige Classes: dark clown, master of pies (pending).
Adaptation: The jester can serve as a humor-based, spell-free alternative to the bard.
Game Rule Information
Jesters (Jst) have the following game statistics.
Abilities: Charisma and Dexterity are the prime characteristics of jesters. Charisma benefits class skills such as Bluff and Perform and empowers their Antics, while Dexterity influences class skills such as Sleight of Hand and Tumble while benefiting Evasion, Feet Don’t Fail Me Now, Wriggle, and other class features. Jesters can also benefit from a good Strength score, which benefits Jump and their combat abilities, and a good Constitution score, to withstand deadly damage.
Base Attack Bonus: Average (as a rogue).
Hit Die: d6.
Saves: Good Reflex / Poor Fortitude and Will.
Class Skills: The jester's class skills are Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) (Int), Perform (Cha), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), and Tumble (Dex). Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Intelligence modifier (x4 at 1st level).
Alignment: Any chaotic.
Starting Age: As a rogue.
Starting Gold: 4d4 x 10gp. Jesters begin play with a clown kit.
Favored Class: Jester is favored class for half-elves and humans and an additional or alternate favored class for gnomes and halflings, at the DM's discretion.
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the jester.
Weapons and Armor Proficiency: Jesters are proficient with all simple weapons. They are not proficient with any type of armor or with shields.
Once per day per jester level, the jester can use comedy to produce magical effects on those around him (including himself, if he so desires). Each Antic requires both the jester be of a minimum jester level and have a minimum number of ranks in Perform (Comedy). Starting an Antic is a standard action, and some Antics require concentration and a standard action each round to maintain the effect. Even while performing Antics that don't require concentration, the jester cannot cast spells or activate magic items by spell completion or magic word. Just as for casting a spell with a Verbal Component, a deaf jester has a 20% chance to fail when attempting to use jester Antics. Failed attempts count against his daily limit.
Madcap Dodge
He jumps and giggles and sticks out his tongue while enemies swing futilely at him with mounting frustration. Against designated foes, the jester can apply his Charisma modifier as a morale bonus to his AC. He may apply his full Madcap Dodge bonus against a single opponent or divide the benefit among multiple opponents as he wishes, although against any single target, the jester can only apply an amount of Madcap Dodge bonus equal to his jester level.
For example, a 2nd-level jester with a Charisma of 17 can divide his +3 Madcap Dodge bonus equally among three foes, gaining a +1 dodge bonus against all three, or apply up to +2 of the bonus against one opponent and the remaining +1 bonus against a second; at 3rd level, the jester could apply his full +3 bonus against a single target. Madcap Dodge is extraordinary – extraordinarily frustrating.
Communicating through silent gestures both ridiculous and obscene has helped more than one jester out of a tight spot. He receives a +4 bonus to Bluff checks to deliver secret messages without speaking.
The jester has mastered the fine art of the slap in the face. His unarmed attacks do not provoke attacks of opportunity, and he is always considered armed, even when caught weaponless. His unarmed attacks deal an amount of nonlethal damage equal to the Unarmed Damage progression of a monk of equal level, and he may make these unarmed attacks with the benefit of Weapon Finesse, if desired. The jester may also issue a whirlwind blur of slaps, gaining the Flurry of Blows progression of a monk of equal level when making nonlethal unarmed attacks.
In addition, the jester can attempt to Slap Silly an opponent. This effect is identical to the Stunning Fist feat, except the DC is 10 + half his jester level + his Dexterity modifier, and the effect only applies to the jester's unarmed attacks that deal nonlethal damage. He may Slap Silly once per day for every jester level.
Comedic Effect [2nd level]
When he runs, the tinkling of a piano accompanies his steps; when he hiccups, pink bubbles pop from his mouth. Comedic Effect causes the jester’s actions to be accompanied by comical and purely cosmetic illusory auditory and visual effects, such the sound of a gong when he impacts an object, the brief image of a lantern appearing over his head when he makes a Knowledge check, or the image of hearts fluttering around his head when he is Charmed. Comedic Effect accompanies all standard actions the jester makes that include a somatic or physical component, all move actions except walking at normal speed, all skill checks that are standard actions, and all spells that affect the jester or that he casts. The Comedic Effect is continual but can be suppressed as a move action and kept suppressed or reinstated as a free action on his turn. When the jester is unable to expend a free action to continue suppressing the Comedic Effect, it resumes automatically on his turn; it is, however, inactive when he sleeps, rests, or is rendered unconscious.
While under Comedic Effect, the jester enjoys a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and a +2 bonus to Perform (Comedy) checks. Others receive a +4 bonus to Spellcraft checks to determine spell effects from which the jester suffers or any spells that he casts. However, Comedic Effect imposes a –4 penalty to all Intimidate and Move Silently checks, as the jester is too ridiculous and noisy to be very effective at either. Comedic Effect is a supernatural annoyance.
Evasion [2nd level]
He can avoid certain magical effects and unusual attacks. If the jester makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals partial damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the jester is in light or no armor and not helpless. It is extraordinary.
Tickle [3rd level]
The jester can locate the funny bone with the skill of a giggling doctor. He can use a daily use of Slap Silly to instead attempt to Tickle an opponent. If the targeted creature fails its Fortitude save, it laughs for 1d3 rounds as if affected by Tasha's hideous laughter. Tickle only affects creatures with humanoid anatomies and no larger than one size category larger than the jester. When he attempts to Tickle, the jester deals no damage with the attack, nonlethal or otherwise. Creatures immune to critical hits are immune to Tickle, a standard action.
Hijinx [4th/8th/12th/16th/20th level]
In combat, the jester can be particularly wily and clever. At the indicated levels, he selects as a bonus feat one of the following, even if he does not otherwise qualify for the feat: Butterfingers [Improved Disarm or Ranged Disarm], Cartwheels [Mobility or Spring Attack], Fooled Ya [Feinting Expertise or Improved Feint], Glee Clubbing [Combat Enthusiasm or Have at Thee], Gotcha [Combat Reflexes or Ranged Pin], Juggler's Reflexes [Snatch Arrows or Weapon Focus (Any light thrown weapon)], Lucky [Hero's Luck or Lucky Strike], Missed Me [Dodge or Reckless Defense], or Watch Your Step [Improved Trip or Ranged Trip].
Uncanny Dodge [4th level]
He’s as elusive as a wink. The jester retains his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if he is caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker; he loses this bonus if immobilized. If the jester already has Uncanny Dodge from a different class, he automatically gains Improved Uncanny Dodge instead. This is extraordinary.
Fool's Luck [5th/10th/15th/20th level]
Sometimes, fate favors the fool. Once per day for every five levels, the jester can designate any saving throw, attack roll, damage roll, skill check, or ability check to benefit from Fool's Luck, and he must state his intention to use Fool's Luck before making the roll. He adds his Charisma bonus as a luck bonus to the designated roll. This is extraordinary.
If the jester ever fails a saving throw, skill check, or ability check that results in his death and still has a daily use of Fool's Luck, the ability executes retroactively, adding his Charisma bonus to the failed roll and possibly changing the outcome. When applied retroactively, Fool's Luck is supernatural.
Pratfall [5th level]
The jester can take what appears to be a horrible fall while suffering no damage. He receives a +4 bonus to all rolls to resist trip attempts and, when computing falling damage, treats all falls as if they were a number of feet shorter equal to 10 + twice his levels in jester. This is extraordinary.
Eyepoke [6th level]
Before you know it, his fingers are in your eyes. The jester can use a daily use of Slap Silly to instead attempt to blind his opponent. If the targeted creature fails its save, it is blinded for 1d6 rounds + 1 round for every point of his Strength bonus; on a critical hit, the blindness is permanent. Eye Poke can only be attempted against creatures with one or two eyes and no larger than one size category larger than the jester. Creatures immune to critical hits or blindness are immune to Eye Poke, a standard action.
Improved Uncanny Dodge [7th level]
Surrounded by foes, the jester is like a slippery fish. He can no longer be flanked. This defense denies a rogue the ability to sneak attack the jester by flanking him, unless the attacker has at least four more rogue levels than the jester has levels in any class granting him Improved Uncanny Dodge. This is extraordinary.
Fool Rushes In [8th level]
Sometimes, he doesn't know he should be afraid. When making Will saves against Fear spells and effects, the jester can use his Charisma modifier instead of his Wisdom modifier. If he has a negative Wisdom modifier, he instead applies it as a bonus to his saves. For example, a jester with a Wisdom of 8 and a Charisma of 16 receives a +4 bonus to his Will saves against fear, suffering a –1 penalty to all other Will saves normally. This is extraordinary.
Head Bonk [9th level]
He can crack together the skulls of his enemies like angry little coconuts. The jester can use a daily use of Slap Silly to instead attempt to knock together the heads of two opponents. Creatures immune to critical hits or decapitation are immune to Head Bonk, a standard action.
The jester can target two creatures within 5 feet of each other that are of the same size category; each creature must have a single recognizable head and be no larger than one size category larger than the jester. He then must make an unarmed touch attack against each creature at his highest attack bonus, a standard action. If he succeeds at both attack rolls, he rams together the heads of the two targets, dealing 1d6 points of damage to each (plus his Strength modifier). Each target then makes separate Fortitude save (DC jester level + Strength modifier). Failing the save causes the creature to be stunned for 1d4 rounds. Creatures immune to critical hits are immune to the damage and stunning of Head Bonk, although the jester may still use that creature’s head to Head Bonk the second target. Other than the damage noted above, a Head Bonk deals no nonlethal damage.
If the jester fails both of his initial touch attacks, the Head Bonk fails and the daily use is wasted. If he succeeds at only one of the two touch attacks, the creature touched is allowed a Reflex save to avoid the effect altogether; if it fails this Reflex save and then the subsequent Fortitude save, its head is rammed into the second target, resulting in 1d4 points of nonlethal damage to the touched target and, if it then fails its Fortitude save, it is stunned for 1 round.
Funnyboned [10th level]
His uncanny flexibility suggests that he is made of porridge, his bones of rubber, his head jelly. The jester can Take 10 on Escape Artist checks under any circumstances.
In addition, the jester can squeeze through narrow openings with eerie but eye-bulging ease. The width of the passage and the amount of time it takes the jester to traverse every foot of such an opening vertically (such as squeezing past an almost-closed door or through a crevice) or horizontally (such as crawling under a gap) depend on his size. Medium jesters can squeeze through openings as narrow as 6 inches wide in 1 full round vertically or 2 full rounds horizontally. For each size category larger the jester is, the allowed width increases by 50% (rounded up) and the vertical and horizontal rates double for each foot traversed. For each size category smaller the jester is, the allowed width decreases by 50% (rounded up) and the vertical and horizontal rates are halved, to no lower than 1 full round. A small jester, for example, could squeeze through 3-inch wide openings in 1 full round vertically or 2 full rounds horizontally, while a huge jester could squeeze through a 13-inch wide opening in 4 rounds vertically or 8 rounds horizontally. This is extraordinary.
Improved Evasion [11th level]
If the jester makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half-damage on a successful save, the jester instead takes no damage. If he fails the save, he suffers only half-damage. Improved Evasion can be used only if the jester is in light or no armor and not helpless. This is extraordinary.
Crown Jewel Kick [12th level]
The jester can kick you, um, where it hurts. He can use a daily use of Slap Silly to instead attempt to kick a male opponent it the most male of body regions. The jester can only target male creatures with humanoid anatomies and that are no larger than one size category larger than he. If the target fails its Fortitude save, it suffers nonlethal damage as normal, is stunned for 1 round, and remains nauseated for a number of rounds equal to half his jester level + any Strength bonus. Females and creatures immune to critical hits are immune to the stunning and nausea of the dreaded Crown Jewel Kick, a standard action.
Hyperactive [13th level]
He can move with mind-numbing speed. For a total number of rounds per day equal to 5 x his Dexterity modifier (minimum 5 rounds per day), he can move with haste, as the spell cast by a bard of his jester level. The jester can use this ability to run up vertical surfaces as long as the beginning point and ending point of his move action are on flat ground. This supernatural ability can be initiated as a free action on his turn.
Parlour Tricks [14th level]
The jester's Comedic Effect allows him to consciously manipulate minor magic to create entertaining effects. He can use prestidigitation at will as a supernatural ability.
Wiggle [17th level]
He wiggles like a noodle through lips, like bacon on a griddle, like an eel in butter. For a total number of rounds per day equal to 3 x his Dexterity modifier (minimum 3 rounds per day), he moves with freedom of movement, as the spell cast by a bard of his jester level. This supernatural ability can be initiated as a free action on his turn.
A Little Mad [19th level]
His mind is a chaotic mindscape of giggles and cackling, confetti and bubbles. The jester adds his Charisma bonus to all Will saves against Enchantment spells and effects.
In addition, any creature attempting to read or shape the jester's mind with detect thoughts, mind probe, modify memory, or a similar effect must make a Will save (DC 10 + jester level + Charisma modifier – level of offending spell). If the invader fails the save, its attempt fails and it is inflicted with a giggling confusion for 1 round per jester level. The jester is aware of these failed mental invasions and knows the general direction from which the probe originated, even if he cannot actually see or hear the perpetrator. A Little Mad is extraordinary.
Epic Jester: The epic-level jester continues his Hit Die, skill point, Fool's Luck, Hyperactive, Pratfall, Slap Silly, and Wiggle progressions. In addition, he receives bonus feats at 24th level and every four levels thereafter (24th, 28th, 32nd, 36th, etc.) and can select Hijinx feats as bonus feats.
Board Link: To feedback on this class posted on the Wizards of the Coast message boards.
Comical clowns, cruel pranksters, and silly fools, jesters are often the comic relief for those they accompany. Some may find their mannerisms and tactics annoying, even infuriating, while others enjoy their madcap ways and appreciate the many ways humor benefits them all.
Jesters are often human, gnome, or halfling.

Jester Prestige Classes: dark clown, master of pies (pending).
Adaptation: The jester can serve as a humor-based, spell-free alternative to the bard.
Game Rule Information
Jesters (Jst) have the following game statistics.
Abilities: Charisma and Dexterity are the prime characteristics of jesters. Charisma benefits class skills such as Bluff and Perform and empowers their Antics, while Dexterity influences class skills such as Sleight of Hand and Tumble while benefiting Evasion, Feet Don’t Fail Me Now, Wriggle, and other class features. Jesters can also benefit from a good Strength score, which benefits Jump and their combat abilities, and a good Constitution score, to withstand deadly damage.
Base Attack Bonus: Average (as a rogue).
Hit Die: d6.
Saves: Good Reflex / Poor Fortitude and Will.
Class Skills: The jester's class skills are Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) (Int), Perform (Cha), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), and Tumble (Dex). Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Intelligence modifier (x4 at 1st level).
Alignment: Any chaotic.
Starting Age: As a rogue.
Starting Gold: 4d4 x 10gp. Jesters begin play with a clown kit.
Favored Class: Jester is favored class for half-elves and humans and an additional or alternate favored class for gnomes and halflings, at the DM's discretion.
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the jester.
Weapons and Armor Proficiency: Jesters are proficient with all simple weapons. They are not proficient with any type of armor or with shields.
- Antics (Amuse, Ribaldry, Subversive Humor, Throw Voice), Madcap Dodge, Mime, Slaphappy
- Comedic Effect, Evasion
- Antics (Have Some Pie, Taunt), Tickle
- Hijinx, Uncanny Dodge
- Fool's Luck (1/day), Pratfall
- Antics (Don't Trip), Eyepoke
- Improved Uncanny Dodge
- Fool Rushes In, Hijinx
- Antics (Laugh Riot), Head Bonk
- Fool's Luck (2/day), Funnyboned
- Improved Evasion
- Antics (Riddle Me This), Crown Jewel Kick, Hijinx
- Hyperactive
- Parlour Tricks
- Antics (Upset the Table), Fool's Luck (3/day)
- Hijinx
- Wiggle
- Antics (Die Laughing)
- A Little Mad
- Fool's Luck (4/day), Hijinx
Once per day per jester level, the jester can use comedy to produce magical effects on those around him (including himself, if he so desires). Each Antic requires both the jester be of a minimum jester level and have a minimum number of ranks in Perform (Comedy). Starting an Antic is a standard action, and some Antics require concentration and a standard action each round to maintain the effect. Even while performing Antics that don't require concentration, the jester cannot cast spells or activate magic items by spell completion or magic word. Just as for casting a spell with a Verbal Component, a deaf jester has a 20% chance to fail when attempting to use jester Antics. Failed attempts count against his daily limit.
- Amuse: [3 ranks] The jester uses comedy to entertain and distract those around him. Amuse is identical to bardic Fascinate but based on ranks in Perform (Comedy). Targeted creatures who fail the save stand and watch the jester’s performance, chuckling and slapping their knees, perhaps, but taking no other action as long as he continues to be so darn amusing. Amuse is Language-Dependant.
- Ribaldry: [3 ranks] He can provoke laughter from even the grimmest, most humorless of foes. The jester can target a single creature within 30 feet he can see and that can see and hear him, making a Perform (Comedy) check that serves as the DC for the targeted creature’s Will save. If the targeted creature fails its save, it is affected by Tasha's hideous laughter for as long as the jester continues to tell jokes (up to 1 round per jester level) + 1 round. Ribaldry is Language-Dependant.
- Subversive Humor: [3 ranks] His witty slurs and cutting remarks can undermine certain magical effects. The jester can target a single creature within 30 feet that he can see and that can hear him. The jester's efforts allow the targeted creature a second save against any Mind-Affecting spell from which it currently suffers, using the jester's Perform (Comedy) check as its second saving throw if better than its own second save. Each use of Subversive Humor targets one specific Mind-Affecting effect; if the target creature suffers from multiple affects, multiple uses of Subversive Humor may be required. Subversive Humor is Language-Dependant.
- Throw Voice: [3 ranks] He's behind the, under the, wait, now he's behind that door... For as long as he continues to concentrate, up to 1 round per jester level, the jester can use ventriloquism as the spell cast by a bard of his jester level, with the spell DC based on his Perform (Comedy) check.
- Have Some Pie: [6 ranks] With a few whimsical gestures, the jester can produce a freshly baked cream pie in his hand, which he can immediately throw at any target. The range increment of the pie is 20 feet. With a successful ranged attack roll, the creature struck is blinded for 1 round per jester level, after which the pie disappears; the target can also take a move action to wipe the pie from its face. By expending two daily uses of Antics and expending a full attack action, the jester can produce two pies, one in each hand, which can be thrown immediately and simultaneously at his highest attack bonus at two separate targets no farther than 10 feet apart. The jester can produce a number of pies per day equal to half his jester level.
- Taunt: [6 ranks] So biting and vicious are his taunts that the jester can inspire fury in a targeted creature. Up to once per day for every two levels, the jester can target a single creature within 30 feet that he can see and that can see and hear him. The jester makes a Perform (Comedy) check, the result of which becomes the DC of the Will save the targeted creature must make. If the targeted creature fails its save, it flies into a Rage for 1 round and continues to rage as long as the jester continues to taunt, up to 1 round per jester level. If the targeted creature is not an ally, it will attempt to attack the jester with a melee attack, moving toward the jester at its normal ground speed using the most direct route. While pursuing or attacking the jester, the affected creature loses any Dexterity bonus to AC, suffers a –2 penalty to skill checks made as reactions (such as Listen and Spot checks) except when made as reactions to the jester, and provokes normal attacks of opportunity from threatening foes, even if it has feats such as Mobility or Spring Attack. A taunted enemy can defend itself from attacks but will resume its pursuit of the jester on its next turn while affected. Attacking an affected creature does not end the effect. On the round after the effect ends, the target creature is shaken for 1 round. If a creature succeeds at its Will save, it cannot be again Taunted by the jester for 24 hours. Taunt is Language-Dependant, and the jester cannot target himself with this Antic.
- Don't Trip: [9 ranks] A banana peel appears. Once per day for every two jester levels, he can target a single creature within 30 feet he can see and that can hear him. The jester shouts "Don't Trip!" and the shadow illusion of a banana peel momentarily appears under the creature’s foot. The creature must then make a Reflex save, with the DC equal to the jester's Perform (Comedy) check, or trip and fall prone with a comical sound effect, such as the sound of shattering glass or the boom of a drum. Don't Trip is Language-Dependent.
- Laugh Riot: [12 ranks] He can cause crowds to burst into laughter. Once per day for every three jester levels, he can effect Bambo's laugh riot on creatures within 30 feet, as the spell cast by a bard of his jester level and with the spell DC based on his Perform (Comedy) check. The effect lasts as long as the jester continues to tell jokes (up to 1 round per jester level) + 1 round. Laugh Riot is Language-Dependant.
- Riddle Me This: [15 ranks] The jester can utter a riddle that baffles those who hear it. Once per day for every four jester levels, his riddles can induce confusion on all enemies within 30 feet, as the spell cast by a bard of his jester level and with the Will save DC based on his Perform (Comedy) check. The effect lasts as long as the jester continues to tell riddles (up to 1 round per jester level) + 1 round. Riddle Me This is Language-Dependant.
- Upset the Table: [18 ranks] The jester's comedy even catches the attention of the furniture. Once per day for every five jester levels, he can effect animate objects in a 30 foot radius, as the spell cast be a bard of his jester level. The effect lasts as long as the jester continues to antagonize the objects, up to 1 round per jester level.
- Die Laughing: [21 ranks] He can make you laugh so hard your heart stops. Once per day for every six jester levels, he can target any creature within 30 feet that he can see and that can see and hear him. For 1 full round, the jester recites his killing joke and makes a Perform (Comedy) check. The subject must then make a Will save, using the Perform check as the DC, or begin laughing for 1d4 rounds, as if affected by Tasha's hideous laughter. At the end of this time, it must make a Fortitude save (DC = ranks in Perform [Comedy]) or instantly die. Die Laughing is Language-Dependant.
Madcap Dodge
He jumps and giggles and sticks out his tongue while enemies swing futilely at him with mounting frustration. Against designated foes, the jester can apply his Charisma modifier as a morale bonus to his AC. He may apply his full Madcap Dodge bonus against a single opponent or divide the benefit among multiple opponents as he wishes, although against any single target, the jester can only apply an amount of Madcap Dodge bonus equal to his jester level.
For example, a 2nd-level jester with a Charisma of 17 can divide his +3 Madcap Dodge bonus equally among three foes, gaining a +1 dodge bonus against all three, or apply up to +2 of the bonus against one opponent and the remaining +1 bonus against a second; at 3rd level, the jester could apply his full +3 bonus against a single target. Madcap Dodge is extraordinary – extraordinarily frustrating.
Communicating through silent gestures both ridiculous and obscene has helped more than one jester out of a tight spot. He receives a +4 bonus to Bluff checks to deliver secret messages without speaking.
The jester has mastered the fine art of the slap in the face. His unarmed attacks do not provoke attacks of opportunity, and he is always considered armed, even when caught weaponless. His unarmed attacks deal an amount of nonlethal damage equal to the Unarmed Damage progression of a monk of equal level, and he may make these unarmed attacks with the benefit of Weapon Finesse, if desired. The jester may also issue a whirlwind blur of slaps, gaining the Flurry of Blows progression of a monk of equal level when making nonlethal unarmed attacks.
In addition, the jester can attempt to Slap Silly an opponent. This effect is identical to the Stunning Fist feat, except the DC is 10 + half his jester level + his Dexterity modifier, and the effect only applies to the jester's unarmed attacks that deal nonlethal damage. He may Slap Silly once per day for every jester level.
Comedic Effect [2nd level]
When he runs, the tinkling of a piano accompanies his steps; when he hiccups, pink bubbles pop from his mouth. Comedic Effect causes the jester’s actions to be accompanied by comical and purely cosmetic illusory auditory and visual effects, such the sound of a gong when he impacts an object, the brief image of a lantern appearing over his head when he makes a Knowledge check, or the image of hearts fluttering around his head when he is Charmed. Comedic Effect accompanies all standard actions the jester makes that include a somatic or physical component, all move actions except walking at normal speed, all skill checks that are standard actions, and all spells that affect the jester or that he casts. The Comedic Effect is continual but can be suppressed as a move action and kept suppressed or reinstated as a free action on his turn. When the jester is unable to expend a free action to continue suppressing the Comedic Effect, it resumes automatically on his turn; it is, however, inactive when he sleeps, rests, or is rendered unconscious.
While under Comedic Effect, the jester enjoys a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and a +2 bonus to Perform (Comedy) checks. Others receive a +4 bonus to Spellcraft checks to determine spell effects from which the jester suffers or any spells that he casts. However, Comedic Effect imposes a –4 penalty to all Intimidate and Move Silently checks, as the jester is too ridiculous and noisy to be very effective at either. Comedic Effect is a supernatural annoyance.
Evasion [2nd level]
He can avoid certain magical effects and unusual attacks. If the jester makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals partial damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the jester is in light or no armor and not helpless. It is extraordinary.
Tickle [3rd level]
The jester can locate the funny bone with the skill of a giggling doctor. He can use a daily use of Slap Silly to instead attempt to Tickle an opponent. If the targeted creature fails its Fortitude save, it laughs for 1d3 rounds as if affected by Tasha's hideous laughter. Tickle only affects creatures with humanoid anatomies and no larger than one size category larger than the jester. When he attempts to Tickle, the jester deals no damage with the attack, nonlethal or otherwise. Creatures immune to critical hits are immune to Tickle, a standard action.
Hijinx [4th/8th/12th/16th/20th level]
In combat, the jester can be particularly wily and clever. At the indicated levels, he selects as a bonus feat one of the following, even if he does not otherwise qualify for the feat: Butterfingers [Improved Disarm or Ranged Disarm], Cartwheels [Mobility or Spring Attack], Fooled Ya [Feinting Expertise or Improved Feint], Glee Clubbing [Combat Enthusiasm or Have at Thee], Gotcha [Combat Reflexes or Ranged Pin], Juggler's Reflexes [Snatch Arrows or Weapon Focus (Any light thrown weapon)], Lucky [Hero's Luck or Lucky Strike], Missed Me [Dodge or Reckless Defense], or Watch Your Step [Improved Trip or Ranged Trip].
Uncanny Dodge [4th level]
He’s as elusive as a wink. The jester retains his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if he is caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker; he loses this bonus if immobilized. If the jester already has Uncanny Dodge from a different class, he automatically gains Improved Uncanny Dodge instead. This is extraordinary.
Fool's Luck [5th/10th/15th/20th level]
Sometimes, fate favors the fool. Once per day for every five levels, the jester can designate any saving throw, attack roll, damage roll, skill check, or ability check to benefit from Fool's Luck, and he must state his intention to use Fool's Luck before making the roll. He adds his Charisma bonus as a luck bonus to the designated roll. This is extraordinary.
If the jester ever fails a saving throw, skill check, or ability check that results in his death and still has a daily use of Fool's Luck, the ability executes retroactively, adding his Charisma bonus to the failed roll and possibly changing the outcome. When applied retroactively, Fool's Luck is supernatural.
Pratfall [5th level]
The jester can take what appears to be a horrible fall while suffering no damage. He receives a +4 bonus to all rolls to resist trip attempts and, when computing falling damage, treats all falls as if they were a number of feet shorter equal to 10 + twice his levels in jester. This is extraordinary.
Eyepoke [6th level]
Before you know it, his fingers are in your eyes. The jester can use a daily use of Slap Silly to instead attempt to blind his opponent. If the targeted creature fails its save, it is blinded for 1d6 rounds + 1 round for every point of his Strength bonus; on a critical hit, the blindness is permanent. Eye Poke can only be attempted against creatures with one or two eyes and no larger than one size category larger than the jester. Creatures immune to critical hits or blindness are immune to Eye Poke, a standard action.
Improved Uncanny Dodge [7th level]
Surrounded by foes, the jester is like a slippery fish. He can no longer be flanked. This defense denies a rogue the ability to sneak attack the jester by flanking him, unless the attacker has at least four more rogue levels than the jester has levels in any class granting him Improved Uncanny Dodge. This is extraordinary.
Fool Rushes In [8th level]
Sometimes, he doesn't know he should be afraid. When making Will saves against Fear spells and effects, the jester can use his Charisma modifier instead of his Wisdom modifier. If he has a negative Wisdom modifier, he instead applies it as a bonus to his saves. For example, a jester with a Wisdom of 8 and a Charisma of 16 receives a +4 bonus to his Will saves against fear, suffering a –1 penalty to all other Will saves normally. This is extraordinary.
Head Bonk [9th level]
He can crack together the skulls of his enemies like angry little coconuts. The jester can use a daily use of Slap Silly to instead attempt to knock together the heads of two opponents. Creatures immune to critical hits or decapitation are immune to Head Bonk, a standard action.
The jester can target two creatures within 5 feet of each other that are of the same size category; each creature must have a single recognizable head and be no larger than one size category larger than the jester. He then must make an unarmed touch attack against each creature at his highest attack bonus, a standard action. If he succeeds at both attack rolls, he rams together the heads of the two targets, dealing 1d6 points of damage to each (plus his Strength modifier). Each target then makes separate Fortitude save (DC jester level + Strength modifier). Failing the save causes the creature to be stunned for 1d4 rounds. Creatures immune to critical hits are immune to the damage and stunning of Head Bonk, although the jester may still use that creature’s head to Head Bonk the second target. Other than the damage noted above, a Head Bonk deals no nonlethal damage.
If the jester fails both of his initial touch attacks, the Head Bonk fails and the daily use is wasted. If he succeeds at only one of the two touch attacks, the creature touched is allowed a Reflex save to avoid the effect altogether; if it fails this Reflex save and then the subsequent Fortitude save, its head is rammed into the second target, resulting in 1d4 points of nonlethal damage to the touched target and, if it then fails its Fortitude save, it is stunned for 1 round.
Funnyboned [10th level]
His uncanny flexibility suggests that he is made of porridge, his bones of rubber, his head jelly. The jester can Take 10 on Escape Artist checks under any circumstances.
In addition, the jester can squeeze through narrow openings with eerie but eye-bulging ease. The width of the passage and the amount of time it takes the jester to traverse every foot of such an opening vertically (such as squeezing past an almost-closed door or through a crevice) or horizontally (such as crawling under a gap) depend on his size. Medium jesters can squeeze through openings as narrow as 6 inches wide in 1 full round vertically or 2 full rounds horizontally. For each size category larger the jester is, the allowed width increases by 50% (rounded up) and the vertical and horizontal rates double for each foot traversed. For each size category smaller the jester is, the allowed width decreases by 50% (rounded up) and the vertical and horizontal rates are halved, to no lower than 1 full round. A small jester, for example, could squeeze through 3-inch wide openings in 1 full round vertically or 2 full rounds horizontally, while a huge jester could squeeze through a 13-inch wide opening in 4 rounds vertically or 8 rounds horizontally. This is extraordinary.
Improved Evasion [11th level]
If the jester makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half-damage on a successful save, the jester instead takes no damage. If he fails the save, he suffers only half-damage. Improved Evasion can be used only if the jester is in light or no armor and not helpless. This is extraordinary.
Crown Jewel Kick [12th level]
The jester can kick you, um, where it hurts. He can use a daily use of Slap Silly to instead attempt to kick a male opponent it the most male of body regions. The jester can only target male creatures with humanoid anatomies and that are no larger than one size category larger than he. If the target fails its Fortitude save, it suffers nonlethal damage as normal, is stunned for 1 round, and remains nauseated for a number of rounds equal to half his jester level + any Strength bonus. Females and creatures immune to critical hits are immune to the stunning and nausea of the dreaded Crown Jewel Kick, a standard action.
Hyperactive [13th level]
He can move with mind-numbing speed. For a total number of rounds per day equal to 5 x his Dexterity modifier (minimum 5 rounds per day), he can move with haste, as the spell cast by a bard of his jester level. The jester can use this ability to run up vertical surfaces as long as the beginning point and ending point of his move action are on flat ground. This supernatural ability can be initiated as a free action on his turn.
Parlour Tricks [14th level]
The jester's Comedic Effect allows him to consciously manipulate minor magic to create entertaining effects. He can use prestidigitation at will as a supernatural ability.
Wiggle [17th level]
He wiggles like a noodle through lips, like bacon on a griddle, like an eel in butter. For a total number of rounds per day equal to 3 x his Dexterity modifier (minimum 3 rounds per day), he moves with freedom of movement, as the spell cast by a bard of his jester level. This supernatural ability can be initiated as a free action on his turn.
A Little Mad [19th level]
His mind is a chaotic mindscape of giggles and cackling, confetti and bubbles. The jester adds his Charisma bonus to all Will saves against Enchantment spells and effects.
In addition, any creature attempting to read or shape the jester's mind with detect thoughts, mind probe, modify memory, or a similar effect must make a Will save (DC 10 + jester level + Charisma modifier – level of offending spell). If the invader fails the save, its attempt fails and it is inflicted with a giggling confusion for 1 round per jester level. The jester is aware of these failed mental invasions and knows the general direction from which the probe originated, even if he cannot actually see or hear the perpetrator. A Little Mad is extraordinary.
Epic Jester: The epic-level jester continues his Hit Die, skill point, Fool's Luck, Hyperactive, Pratfall, Slap Silly, and Wiggle progressions. In addition, he receives bonus feats at 24th level and every four levels thereafter (24th, 28th, 32nd, 36th, etc.) and can select Hijinx feats as bonus feats.
Board Link: To feedback on this class posted on the Wizards of the Coast message boards.
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