The Maverick
[D&D Core Class]
Mavericks are "rogues" in the truest sense of the word. They live by their own rules, defying the odds and craving victory and glory on their own merits and by their own terms - with as little outside assistance as possible.
Mavericks are commonly humans and half-elves who favor luck and personal panache over the common benefits of the group dynamic. Gnomes, half-orcs, and halflings also favor this class, while dwarf and half-orc mavericks are rare.

Maverick Prestige Classes: Pending.
Adaptation: The maverick is a class of personal skill and style, equal parts gumption and luck, and can serve the role of swashbuckling hero, intrepid mercenary, or cunning villain in any campaign that employs the rogue.
Game Rule Information
Mavericks (Mav) have the following game statistics.
Abilities: Dexterity and Charisma are primary attributes of the maverick. Dexterity compensates for a maverick's relative lack of armor and contributes to several class skills. Charisma also empowers his class skills and, at 3rd level, can replace his Wisdom modifier on Will saves. Strength and Intelligence can also contribute to a maverick's combat ability and skill profiency.
Base Attack Bonus: Average (as a rogue).
Hit Die: d8.
Saves: Good Reflex and Will / Poor Fortitude.
Class Skills: The maverick's class skills are Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Perform (Cha), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha), and Use Rope (Dex). Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Intelligence modifier (x4 at 1st level).
Alignment: Any nonlawful.
Starting Age: As a rogue.
Starting Gold: 5d4 x 10gp.
Favored Class: Maverick is a favored class for humans and half-elves.
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the maverick.
Weapons and Armor Proficiency: Mavericks are proficient with the all Simple weapons and with the handaxe, hand crossbow, longsword, rapier, sap, short sword, throwing axe, and whip. They are proficient with Light armor but not with shields.
Impetuous [1st / 5th / 10th / 15th / 20th level]
The maverick often acts before he thinks, flinging himself eagerly into the fray. He receives a +2 morale bonus to initiative rolls, which increases by +2 at 5th level and every five levels thereafter.
Impetuous does not stack with Improved Initiative. However, at 5th level the maverick is considered to have the Improved Initiative by virtue of his Impetuous bonus, if he does not already have the feat.
He often goes where others fear to tread. The maverick gains the Intrepid feat for free, granting him a +4 bonus to Will saves against fear effects.
The maverick benefits from luck as much as he does his own ability. A number of times per day equal to 1 + half his maverick level (rounded down), he can benefit from a stroke of luck, allowing him to reroll any ability check, attack roll, percentile roll, saving throw, or skill check that he just made and take the better of the two rolls. For the purposes of qualifying for Luck feats (Complete Scoundrel), the maverick is considered to have a Luck feat. [Extraordinary]
He prefers to work alone, valuing victory on by his own merits over victory as part of a team. This stubborn sense of individuality has its benefits and its drawbacks.
The maverick receives a +2 morale bonus on skill checks and a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls made when there are no allies within sight or within 30 feet. However, he also enjoys only half the benefit from an ally's attempt to assist him in combat or on a skill check. [Extraordinary]
Combat Style [2nd / 6th / 11th / 14th / 17th / 20th level]
Despite his average combat prowess, the maverick values personal style, and specializes in a specific fighting style, such as Fencing or Two-Weapon Fighting. At 2nd level, he selects one of the combat styles listed below, and then receives at the appropriate levels the feat or choice of feats dictated by the combat style, even if he does not otherwise qualify for the feat granted or selected. At 6th level, he advances in his chosen style, gaining Improved Combat Style. At 11th level, he masters this style with Combat Style Mastery. At 14th level, he learns defense as well as offense, gaining his choice of feats from the Defensive Combat Style. And at 17th level and 20th levels, he utilizes his chosen combat style in new ways, gaining his choice of feats from Combat Style Improvisation. Unless noted in the combat style chosen, the maverick only enjoys the benefits of his chosen combat style when wearing Light or lighter armor and carrying no more than a light load:
Ego [3rd level]
The maverick's confidence compensates for any lack of wisdom. He can use his Charisma modifier in place of his Wisdom modifier on Will saves. [Extraordinary]
Tricky [3rd / 8th / 13th / 18th level]
He is capable of clever displays of skill. At the indicated levels, the maverick gains a bonus skill trick (Complete Scoundrel) for which he qualifies. These bonus skill tricks do not cost skill points and do not count against his maximum number of skill tricks available.
If the campaign does not employ skill tricks, the maverick instead gains the Skill Focus feat in any class skill. [Extraordinary]
Improvise Feat [4th level]
The maverick can, on the fly, perform astonishing feats normally beyond his abilities. He can as a swift action expend a daily use of Lucky to grant himself until the end of his next turn the benefits of any single feat for which he qualifies.
For example, a maverick with a Dexterity score of 13 could improvise Dodge until the end of his next turn, while a maverick with the Dodge feat could improvise Mobility until the end of his next turn. The maverick can improvise a different feat before the end of his next turn by expending another daily Lucky use and a swift action. [Extraordinary]
Improved Uncanny Dodge [7th level]
He excels when outnumbered, surrounded by foes and emerging victorious. The maverick is no longer subject to flanking and, unless immobilized, retains his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if he is caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. His maverick levels stacks with levels in any class granting Improved Uncanny Dodge to determine the minimum level a rogue must be to flank him. [Extraordinary]
Renegade [8th level]
The maverick defies all authority. He receives a +2 bonus to all saves against Compulsions and spells with the Lawful descriptor.[Extraordinary]
Uncanny Skill [9th level]
He can, on the fly, exhibit executions of skill far beyond his expertise. The maverick can as a swift action expend a daily use of Lucky to increase his chances of success on a single skill check made before the end of his next turn. Employing Uncanny Skill allows him to either Take 20 on any class skill check in which he has at least 1 rank or to Take 10 on any skill check, even untrained skill checks, in which he has 0 ranks. If the maverick fails to make a skill check or apply Uncanny Skill to a skill check that he makes before the end of his next turn, the daily use of Lucky is expended with no benefit. [Extraordinary]
Greater Improvise Feat [10th level]
The maverick's ability to improvise feats on the fly becomes more versatile and longlasting.
He can as a swift action expend a daily use of Lucky to grant himself until the end of the encounter the benefits of any single feat for which he qualifies. He can switch to a different feat as a swift action by expending an additional daily use of Lucky. For example, a maverick with a Dexterity score of 13 could improvise Dodge until the end of the encounter, while a maverick with the Dodge feat could improvise Mobility until the end of the encounter. The maverick could then, if desired, switch to improvising Blind-Fight until the end of the encounter by expending another daily use of Lucky.
Alternately, the maverick can as a swift action expend a daily use of Lucky to grant himself until the end of his next turn the benefits of any two feats for which he qualifies, and he can use the first feat improvised to qualify for the second feat. For example, a maverick with a Dexterity score of 13 could improvise both Dodge and Mobility (or both Dodge and Blind-Fight) until the end of his next turn, while a maverick with the Dodge feat could improvise both Mobility and Spring Attack (or both Mobility and Blind-Fight) until the end of his next turn. [Extraordinary]
Lone Wolf [12th level]
His bonuses when working Solo increase.
The maverick now receives a +4 morale bonus on skill checks, a +2 morale bonus to attack rolls, and a +1 morale bonus to combat damage rolls made when there are no allies within sight or within 30 feet. He no longer benefits from an ally's attempt to assist him in combat or on a skill check. [Extraordinary]
Goliath's Bane [13th level]
The maverick seems to excel in spite of the odds, the David to every goliath. Against opponents at least one size category larger than the maverick, he is considered one size category larger or one size category smaller for for all purposes except reach and space - whichever size category benefits him more. For example, a Medium maverick battling a Large opponent is considered Small for the purposes of his AC bonus (+1) and Hide checks (+4) against the opponent but considered Large if the opponent or the maverick attempts a bull rush, grapple, or overrun. [Extraordinary]
Advanced Improvise Feat [16th level]
His ability to improvise feats on the fly becomes even more versatile.
The maverick can as a swift action expend a daily use of Lucky to grant himself until the end of the encounter the benefits of any two feats for which he qualifies, and he can use the first feat improvised to qualify for the second feat. He can switch to differents feat as a swift action by expending an additional daily use of Lucky. For example, a maverick with a Dexterity score of 13 could improvise both Dodge and Mobility (or both Dodge and Blind-Fight) until the end of the encounter, while a maverick with the Dodge feat could improvise both Mobility and Spring Attack (or both Mobility and Blind-Fight) until the end of the encounter. The maverick could then switch to improvising any two other feats until the end of the encounter by expending another daily use of Lucky.
Alternately, the maverick can as a swift action expend a daily use of Lucky to grant himself until the end of his next turn the benefits of any three feats for which he qualifies, and he can use the first feat improvised to qualify for the second feat and the second feat to qualify for the third feat. For example, a maverick with a Dexterity score of 13 could improvise Dodge, Mobility, and Spring Attack (or Dodge, Blind-Fight, and Lightning Reflexes) until the end of his next turn, while a maverick with the Dodge feat could improvise Mobility, Spring Attack, and Blind-Fight (or Mobility, Blind-Fight, and Lightning Reflexes) until the end of his next turn. [Extraordinary]
Relentless [18th level]
The maverick's zeal can overcome magical effects that would otherwise keep him at bay. If he is targeted by a spell that can be overcome by freedom of movement and fails his saving throw, he can attempt the save again 1 round later at the same DC. The maverick gets only this one extra chance to succeed on his saving throw to break free. [Extraordinary]
Combat Relish [19th level]
His enthusiasm for victory can grant him a prowess far beyond his years.
The maverick can as a swift action expend a daily use of Lucky to grant himself until the end of the encounter the base attack bonus of a fighter of equal level and a reduction to -1 of all nonproficiency penalties. In addition, while under the effects of combat relish, he is considered a fighter of equal level for the purposes of Improvising Feats such as Weapon Specialization. [Extraordinary]
Epic Maverick: The epic-level maverick continues his Hit Die, skill point, Impetuous, and Luck progressions. In addition, he receives bonus epic feats at 23rd level and every three levels thereafter (223rd, 26th, 29th, 32nd, etc.); he may select as epic feats any Combat Style Improvisation feats.
Mavericks are commonly humans and half-elves who favor luck and personal panache over the common benefits of the group dynamic. Gnomes, half-orcs, and halflings also favor this class, while dwarf and half-orc mavericks are rare.

Maverick Prestige Classes: Pending.
Adaptation: The maverick is a class of personal skill and style, equal parts gumption and luck, and can serve the role of swashbuckling hero, intrepid mercenary, or cunning villain in any campaign that employs the rogue.
Game Rule Information
Mavericks (Mav) have the following game statistics.
Abilities: Dexterity and Charisma are primary attributes of the maverick. Dexterity compensates for a maverick's relative lack of armor and contributes to several class skills. Charisma also empowers his class skills and, at 3rd level, can replace his Wisdom modifier on Will saves. Strength and Intelligence can also contribute to a maverick's combat ability and skill profiency.
Base Attack Bonus: Average (as a rogue).
Hit Die: d8.
Saves: Good Reflex and Will / Poor Fortitude.
Class Skills: The maverick's class skills are Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Perform (Cha), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha), and Use Rope (Dex). Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Intelligence modifier (x4 at 1st level).
Alignment: Any nonlawful.
Starting Age: As a rogue.
Starting Gold: 5d4 x 10gp.
Favored Class: Maverick is a favored class for humans and half-elves.
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the maverick.
Weapons and Armor Proficiency: Mavericks are proficient with the all Simple weapons and with the handaxe, hand crossbow, longsword, rapier, sap, short sword, throwing axe, and whip. They are proficient with Light armor but not with shields.
- Impetuous [+2], Intrepid, Lucky, Solo
- Combat Style
- Ego, Tricky
- Improvise Feat
- Impetuous [+4]
- Improved Combat Style
- Improved Uncanny Dodge
- Renegade, Tricky
- Uncanny Skill
- Greater Improvise Feat, Impetuous [+6]
- Combat Style Mastery
- Lone Wolf
- Goliath's Bane, Tricky
- Defensive Combat Style
- Impetuous [+8]
- Advanced Improvise Feat
- Combat Style Improvisation
- Relentless, Tricky
- Combat Relish
- Combat Style Improvisation, Impetuous [+10]
Impetuous [1st / 5th / 10th / 15th / 20th level]
The maverick often acts before he thinks, flinging himself eagerly into the fray. He receives a +2 morale bonus to initiative rolls, which increases by +2 at 5th level and every five levels thereafter.
Impetuous does not stack with Improved Initiative. However, at 5th level the maverick is considered to have the Improved Initiative by virtue of his Impetuous bonus, if he does not already have the feat.
He often goes where others fear to tread. The maverick gains the Intrepid feat for free, granting him a +4 bonus to Will saves against fear effects.
The maverick benefits from luck as much as he does his own ability. A number of times per day equal to 1 + half his maverick level (rounded down), he can benefit from a stroke of luck, allowing him to reroll any ability check, attack roll, percentile roll, saving throw, or skill check that he just made and take the better of the two rolls. For the purposes of qualifying for Luck feats (Complete Scoundrel), the maverick is considered to have a Luck feat. [Extraordinary]
He prefers to work alone, valuing victory on by his own merits over victory as part of a team. This stubborn sense of individuality has its benefits and its drawbacks.
The maverick receives a +2 morale bonus on skill checks and a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls made when there are no allies within sight or within 30 feet. However, he also enjoys only half the benefit from an ally's attempt to assist him in combat or on a skill check. [Extraordinary]
Combat Style [2nd / 6th / 11th / 14th / 17th / 20th level]
Despite his average combat prowess, the maverick values personal style, and specializes in a specific fighting style, such as Fencing or Two-Weapon Fighting. At 2nd level, he selects one of the combat styles listed below, and then receives at the appropriate levels the feat or choice of feats dictated by the combat style, even if he does not otherwise qualify for the feat granted or selected. At 6th level, he advances in his chosen style, gaining Improved Combat Style. At 11th level, he masters this style with Combat Style Mastery. At 14th level, he learns defense as well as offense, gaining his choice of feats from the Defensive Combat Style. And at 17th level and 20th levels, he utilizes his chosen combat style in new ways, gaining his choice of feats from Combat Style Improvisation. Unless noted in the combat style chosen, the maverick only enjoys the benefits of his chosen combat style when wearing Light or lighter armor and carrying no more than a light load:
Ego [3rd level]
The maverick's confidence compensates for any lack of wisdom. He can use his Charisma modifier in place of his Wisdom modifier on Will saves. [Extraordinary]
Tricky [3rd / 8th / 13th / 18th level]
He is capable of clever displays of skill. At the indicated levels, the maverick gains a bonus skill trick (Complete Scoundrel) for which he qualifies. These bonus skill tricks do not cost skill points and do not count against his maximum number of skill tricks available.
If the campaign does not employ skill tricks, the maverick instead gains the Skill Focus feat in any class skill. [Extraordinary]
Improvise Feat [4th level]
The maverick can, on the fly, perform astonishing feats normally beyond his abilities. He can as a swift action expend a daily use of Lucky to grant himself until the end of his next turn the benefits of any single feat for which he qualifies.
For example, a maverick with a Dexterity score of 13 could improvise Dodge until the end of his next turn, while a maverick with the Dodge feat could improvise Mobility until the end of his next turn. The maverick can improvise a different feat before the end of his next turn by expending another daily Lucky use and a swift action. [Extraordinary]
Improved Uncanny Dodge [7th level]
He excels when outnumbered, surrounded by foes and emerging victorious. The maverick is no longer subject to flanking and, unless immobilized, retains his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if he is caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. His maverick levels stacks with levels in any class granting Improved Uncanny Dodge to determine the minimum level a rogue must be to flank him. [Extraordinary]
Renegade [8th level]
The maverick defies all authority. He receives a +2 bonus to all saves against Compulsions and spells with the Lawful descriptor.[Extraordinary]
Uncanny Skill [9th level]
He can, on the fly, exhibit executions of skill far beyond his expertise. The maverick can as a swift action expend a daily use of Lucky to increase his chances of success on a single skill check made before the end of his next turn. Employing Uncanny Skill allows him to either Take 20 on any class skill check in which he has at least 1 rank or to Take 10 on any skill check, even untrained skill checks, in which he has 0 ranks. If the maverick fails to make a skill check or apply Uncanny Skill to a skill check that he makes before the end of his next turn, the daily use of Lucky is expended with no benefit. [Extraordinary]
Greater Improvise Feat [10th level]
The maverick's ability to improvise feats on the fly becomes more versatile and longlasting.
He can as a swift action expend a daily use of Lucky to grant himself until the end of the encounter the benefits of any single feat for which he qualifies. He can switch to a different feat as a swift action by expending an additional daily use of Lucky. For example, a maverick with a Dexterity score of 13 could improvise Dodge until the end of the encounter, while a maverick with the Dodge feat could improvise Mobility until the end of the encounter. The maverick could then, if desired, switch to improvising Blind-Fight until the end of the encounter by expending another daily use of Lucky.
Alternately, the maverick can as a swift action expend a daily use of Lucky to grant himself until the end of his next turn the benefits of any two feats for which he qualifies, and he can use the first feat improvised to qualify for the second feat. For example, a maverick with a Dexterity score of 13 could improvise both Dodge and Mobility (or both Dodge and Blind-Fight) until the end of his next turn, while a maverick with the Dodge feat could improvise both Mobility and Spring Attack (or both Mobility and Blind-Fight) until the end of his next turn. [Extraordinary]
Lone Wolf [12th level]
His bonuses when working Solo increase.
The maverick now receives a +4 morale bonus on skill checks, a +2 morale bonus to attack rolls, and a +1 morale bonus to combat damage rolls made when there are no allies within sight or within 30 feet. He no longer benefits from an ally's attempt to assist him in combat or on a skill check. [Extraordinary]
Goliath's Bane [13th level]
The maverick seems to excel in spite of the odds, the David to every goliath. Against opponents at least one size category larger than the maverick, he is considered one size category larger or one size category smaller for for all purposes except reach and space - whichever size category benefits him more. For example, a Medium maverick battling a Large opponent is considered Small for the purposes of his AC bonus (+1) and Hide checks (+4) against the opponent but considered Large if the opponent or the maverick attempts a bull rush, grapple, or overrun. [Extraordinary]
Advanced Improvise Feat [16th level]
His ability to improvise feats on the fly becomes even more versatile.
The maverick can as a swift action expend a daily use of Lucky to grant himself until the end of the encounter the benefits of any two feats for which he qualifies, and he can use the first feat improvised to qualify for the second feat. He can switch to differents feat as a swift action by expending an additional daily use of Lucky. For example, a maverick with a Dexterity score of 13 could improvise both Dodge and Mobility (or both Dodge and Blind-Fight) until the end of the encounter, while a maverick with the Dodge feat could improvise both Mobility and Spring Attack (or both Mobility and Blind-Fight) until the end of the encounter. The maverick could then switch to improvising any two other feats until the end of the encounter by expending another daily use of Lucky.
Alternately, the maverick can as a swift action expend a daily use of Lucky to grant himself until the end of his next turn the benefits of any three feats for which he qualifies, and he can use the first feat improvised to qualify for the second feat and the second feat to qualify for the third feat. For example, a maverick with a Dexterity score of 13 could improvise Dodge, Mobility, and Spring Attack (or Dodge, Blind-Fight, and Lightning Reflexes) until the end of his next turn, while a maverick with the Dodge feat could improvise Mobility, Spring Attack, and Blind-Fight (or Mobility, Blind-Fight, and Lightning Reflexes) until the end of his next turn. [Extraordinary]
Relentless [18th level]
The maverick's zeal can overcome magical effects that would otherwise keep him at bay. If he is targeted by a spell that can be overcome by freedom of movement and fails his saving throw, he can attempt the save again 1 round later at the same DC. The maverick gets only this one extra chance to succeed on his saving throw to break free. [Extraordinary]
Combat Relish [19th level]
His enthusiasm for victory can grant him a prowess far beyond his years.
The maverick can as a swift action expend a daily use of Lucky to grant himself until the end of the encounter the base attack bonus of a fighter of equal level and a reduction to -1 of all nonproficiency penalties. In addition, while under the effects of combat relish, he is considered a fighter of equal level for the purposes of Improvising Feats such as Weapon Specialization. [Extraordinary]
Epic Maverick: The epic-level maverick continues his Hit Die, skill point, Impetuous, and Luck progressions. In addition, he receives bonus epic feats at 23rd level and every three levels thereafter (223rd, 26th, 29th, 32nd, etc.); he may select as epic feats any Combat Style Improvisation feats.
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