The Professional
[D&D Core Class]
The Professional
The professional pursues an occupation, proficiency, or lifestyle with such focus and determination that he rises above the status of mere expert to that of skilled ally or adept enemy. The professional class, like the Profession skill, is an umbrella term for any number of occupation-based or lifestyle-based character concepts; acrobat, alchemist, courtesan, explorer, outlaw, sage, and thug are all suitable professional concepts.
Once the professional concept is chosen, all choices made in constructing and advancing the character, from the initial Skill Set and Personal Focus to the last Specialization, should support the chosen concept. The player and the DM should agree at the outset of character creation which class skills, feats, and potential class features listed below specifically support the chosen concept and which are inappropriate and can never be selected.
Professionals are common among all races, although certain races may gravitate towards specific concepts. Gnomes, for example, may often pursue alchemist, charlatan, or clown, while half-orcs may be inclined toward hunter, outlaw, and thug.

Noble Prestige Classes: None.
Adaptation: The professional can serve as a PC alternative to the expert NPC class.
Game Rule Information
Professionals (Pro) have the following game statistics.
Abilities: Intelligence is an important quality for any professional, granting him extra skill points and determining spellcasting ability, when applicable. Other abilities can also prove vital to the professional, depending on the concept chosen: an Acrobat may require Strength and Dexterity, for example, while a Harlequin may rely on Dexterity and Charisma.
Initial Base Attack Bonus: Poor (as a wizard).
Initial Hit Die: d6.
Initial Saves: Poor Fortitude, Reflex, and Will.
Class Skills: The professional chooses any ten skills to be class skills, thereafter known as the professional's Skill Set. The chosen skill set must relate thematically to the professional concept and be approved by the DM. Concentration, Craft, and Profession are considered common skills for professionals and appropriate for most, if not all, skill sets. Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Intelligence modifier (x4 at 1st level).
Alignment: Any.
Starting Age: As a wizard.
Starting Gold: 8d4 x 10gp.
Favored Class: Professional is favored class for half-elves and humans, and an additional or alternate favored class for all races, at the DM's discretion. The DM may opt to limit only certain types of professionals as favored for certain races, such as alchemists for gnomes or thugs for half-orcs.
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the professional.
Weapons and Armor Proficiency: Professionals are proficient in all simple weapons and with Light armor.
Personal Focus
A professional starts with poor Base Attack Bonus (as a wizard), Hit Die d6, and all Poor saves. At character creation, the player can raise one of more of these qualities by a total of two ranks. For example, a player may increase by one rank both the professional's HD (to d8) and one save (to Good), raise two saves by one rank each (both to Good), raise his BAB (to Average) and one save (to Good), or raise by two ranks either his BAB (to Good) or his HD (to d10) - or any similar combination. The professional may also use the Advanced Focus specialization at 1st level to further augment his Personal Focus.
In addition, he receives one additional weapon proficiency or armor proficiency of his choice.
Specialization [1st/2nd/5th/7th/10th/12th/15th/17th/20th level]
At the indicated levels, the professional further focuses on his chosen field, utilizing skills and abilities in combinations unavailable to other classes. Access to Specializations must contribute to the professional concept chosen. Whenever the professional receives the Specialization class feature, he chooses to benefit from one of the following:
Spells Known/Per Day
Rank 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 3 - - - - - -
2 3 2 - - - - -
3 3 3 2 - - - -
4 3 3 3 1 - - -
5 3 3 3 2 1 - -
6 3 3 3 2 2 1 -
7 3 3 3 2 2 2 1
8 4 3 3 3 3 3 2
Epic Professional: The epic-level professional continues his Hit Die, skill point, and Specialization progressions (22nd, 25th, 27th, 30th, etc). In addition, he receives bonus epic feats at 25th level and every five levels thereafter (25th, 30th, 35th, 40th, etc).
Sample Professional Progressions
Skill Set: Balance, Climb, Concentration, Escape Artist, Jump, Move Silently, Perform (Dance), Profession (Acrobat), Tumble, and Use Rope. Personal Focus: Average BAB/Good Reflex/Longspear. Specializations: Combat Expertise feat, Dodge feat, Evasion, Improved Unarmed Strike feat, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Mobility feat, Skill Mastery (Climb/Tumble).
Skill Set: Appraise, Concentration, Craft (Alchemy), Disguise, Heal, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Nature), Profession (Alchemist), Sleight of Hand, and Spellcraft. Personal Focus: Good Fortitude and Will/Pick. Specializations: Arcane V (glitterdust, grease, Melf’s acid arrow, stinking cloud, etc.), Brew Potion feat, Poison Use.
Skill Set: Appraise, Craft (Armorsmithing), Craft (Weaponsmithing), Disable Device, Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering), Perform (Percussion), Profession (Blacksmith), Search, Use Magic Device, and Use Rope. Personal Focus: Good Fortitude and Will/Warhammer. Specializations: Armor Proficiency (Medium) feat, Blacksmithing feat, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat, Craftsmanship feat, Craft Wondrous Item feat, Repair, Stonecunning.
Bounty Hunter
Skill Set: Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Move Silently, Open Lock, Ride, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, and Use Rope. Personal Focus: Good BAB/HD d8/Good Reflex/Net. Specializations: Advanced Focus, Chosen Foe +2 (Humanoids), Low-Light Vision, Skill Emphasis +2 (Listen/Spot), Sneak Attack +2d6.
Skill Set: Bluff, Craft (Alchemy), Diplomacy, Disguise, Forgery, Perform (Oratory), Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Spellcraft, and Use Magic Device. Personal Focus: Good Reflex and Will/Shortsword. Specializations: Arcane IV (disguise self, expeditious retreat, invisibility, polymorph, etc.), Evasion, Fascinate, Sneak Attack +1d6.
Skill Set: Concentration, Craft (Alchemy), Craft (Pottery), Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Heal, Knowledge (Nature), Profession (Chef), Search, and Survival. Personal Focus: HD d8/Good Fortitude/Handaxe. Specializations: Brew Potion feat, Divine V (goodberry, grease, create food and water, purify food and drink, etc.), Poison Use.
Skill Set: Balance, Bluff, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Jump, Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty), Perform (Comedy), Profession (Entertainer), Sleight of Hand, and Tumble. Personal Focus: Medium BAB/Good Reflex/Sap. Specializations: Arcane III (color spray, prestidigitation, cat's grace, Tasha's hideous laughter, etc.), Dodge feat, Evasion, Fascinate, Skill Emphasis +2 (Perform [Comedy]/Tumble).
Skill Set: Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge (Local), Profession (Law Enforcement), Ride, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, and Use Rope. Personal Focus: Good BAB/HD d8/Good Will/Medium armor. Specializations: Advanced Focus, Divine II (command, cure minor wounds, light, remove fear, etc.), Chosen Foe +2 (Humanoids), Combat Expertise feat, Low-Light Vision.
Skill Set: Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Heal, Knowledge (Local), Perform (Dance), Perform (Sing), Search, Sense Motive, and Sleight of Hand. Personal Focus: Good Reflex and Will/Sap. Specializations: Arcane II (disguise self, charm person, dancing lights, message, etc.), Attractive feat, Fascinate, Low-Light Vision, Skill Emphasis +1 (Bluff/Diplomacy/Gather Information/Sense Motive/Sleight of Hand), Skill Mastery (Bluff/Sense Motive).
Skill Set: Balance, Climb, Craft, Escape Artist, Jump, Open Lock, Perform, Ride, Swim, and Tumble. Personal Focus: Average BAB/HD d8/Good Fortitude and Reflex/Sap. Specializations: Advanced Focus, Blind-Fight feat, Dodge feat, Endurance feat, Evasion, Iron Will feat, Toughness feat.
Skill Set: Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge (Geography), Knowledge (Local), Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty), Perform (Oratory), Ride, and Sense Motive. Personal Focus: HD d8/Good Will/Hand crossbow. Specializations: Arcane IV (calm emotions, charm person, comprehend languages, tongues, etc.), Blueblooded feat, Fascinate, Skill Emphasis (Diplomacy/Sense Motive).
Skill Set: Appraise, Climb, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Jump, Knowledge (Geography), Ride, Spot, Survival, and Swim. Personal Focus: Average BAB/Good Reflex/Whip. Specializations: Arcane I (detect magic, light, and read magic), Lore, Low-Light Vision, Quick Learner (Search/Use Rope), Secret Door Sense, Skill Emphasis +1 (Climb/Decipher Script/Search/Spot/Survival), Uncanny Dodge (+1 vs. Traps).
Skill Set: Concentration, Craft (Alchemy), Craft (Basketweaving), Handle Animal, Heal, Knowledge (Nature), Profession (Farmer), Profession (Herbalist), Spot, and Survival. Personal Focus: Good Fortitude and Will/Scythe. Specializations: Divine V (charm animal, detect animals and plants, plant growth, speak with animals, etc.), Quick Leaner (Knowledge [Local]/Ride), Skill Emphasis +2 (Handle Animal/Survival).
Skill Set: Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge (Local), Listen, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, and Use Rope. Personal Focus: Good BAB/HD d8/Good Fortitude/Longspear. Specializations: Advanced Focus, Armor Proficiency (Medium) feat, Low-Light Vision, Shield Proficiency feat, Skill Emphasis +2 (Sense Motive/Spot), Weapon Focus (Longspear) feat.
Skill Set: Bluff, Craft (Alchemy), Gather Information, Handle Animal, Knowledge (Local), Perform (Sing), Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Spellcraft, and Survival. Personal Focus: Good Reflex and Will/Shortsword. Specializations: Arcane IV (charm person, glitterdust, goodberry, scrying, etc.), Fortunetelling feat, Sneak Attack +1d6, Wild Empathy.
Skill Set: Concentration, Craft (Alchemy), Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Heal, Knowledge (Nature), Profession (Herbalist), Search, Spot, and Survival. Personal Focus: Good Fortitude and Will/Scythe. Specializations: Divine IV (cure light wounds, entangle, goodberry, purify food and drink, etc.), Poison Use, Skill Emphasis +3 (Craft [Alchemy]).
Skill Set: Climb, Craft (Bowmaking), Handle Animal, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Ride, Spot, Survival, and Swim. Personal Focus: Average BAB/Good Reflex/Longbow. Specializations: Chosen Foe +4 (Animals), Low-Light Vision, Point Blank Shot feat, Precise Shot feat.
Skill Set: Bluff, Concentration, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (History), Listen, Profession (Linguist), and Sense Motive. Personal Focus: HD d8/Good Will/Shortbow. Specializations: Arcane II (charm person, message, read magic, ventriloquism, etc.), Divine III (command, comprehend languages, enthrall, speak with animals, etc.), Fascinate, Inspire Courage.
Skill Set: Appraise, Bluff, Craft (Weaponsmithing), Diplomacy, Gather Information, Knowledge (Local), Profession (Merchant), Sense Motive, Spot, and Use Magic Device. Personal Focus: HD d8/Good Will/Hand crossbow. Specializations: Arcane VI (detect magic, identify, Leomund's secret chest, locate object, etc.), Secret Door Sense.
Skill Set: Concentration, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Handle Animal, Heal, Knowledge (Geography), Knowledge (Religion), Ride, Spellcraft, and Survival. Personal Focus: HD d8/Good Will/Shield. Specializations: Divine V (calm emotions, consecrate, create food and water, enthrall, etc.), Inspire Courage, Skill Emphasis +2 (Diplomacy/Ride).
Skill Set: Appraise, Concentration, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (History), Knowledge (Religion), Sense Motive, Spellcraft, and Spot. Personal Focus: Good Reflex and Will/Shortbow. Specializations: Arcane V (detect evil, detect magic, divination, true strike, etc.), Lore, Secret Door Sense.
Skill Set: Bluff, Craft (Bowmaking), Disguise, Escape Artist, Gather Information, Hide, Move Silently, Ride, Survival, and Use Rope. Personal Focus: Average BAB/Good Reflex/Longsword. Specializations: Evasion, Skill Emphasis +2 (Hide/Survival), Skill Mastery (Hide/Ride/Use Rope) Skill Emphasis +2 (Bluff/Escape Artist), Sneak Attack +1d6, Two-Weapon Fighting feat, Uncanny Dodge.
Skill Set: Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Climb, Craft (Shipmaking), Jump, Intimidate, Spot, Swim, and Use Rope. Personal Focus: Good BAB/HD d8/Good Fortitude/Scimitar. Specializations: Advanced Focus, Leadership feat, Seafarer feat, Sneak Attack +3d6, Two-Weapon Fighting feat.
Skill Set: Concentration, Craft (Alchemy), Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Geography), Knowledge (History), Knowledge (Nature), Profession (Teacher), and Spellcraft. Personal Focus: Good Fortitude and Will/Shield. Specializations: Arcane V (identify, scrying, tongues, true strike, etc.), Lore, Scholarly feat.
Skill Set: Climb, Gather Information, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Ride, Search, Spot, Survival, and Swim. Personal Focus: Average BAB/Good Reflex/Composite longbow. Specializations: Dodge feat, Low-Light Vision, Skill Emphasis +1 (Climb/Hide/Listen/Move Silently/Spot), Secret Door Sense, Sneak Attack +2d6, Uncanny Dodge.
Skill Set: Appraise, Concentration, Craft (Calligraphy), Decipher Script, Forgery, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (History), Knowledge (Religion), Profession (Teacher), and Spellcraft. Personal Focus: Good Fortitude and Will/Shield. Specializations: Arcane VI (arcane mark, glyph of warding, read magic, sepia snake sigil, etc.), Scribe Scroll feat.
Skill Set: Appraise, Bluff, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (Local), Listen, Open Lock, Search, and Spot. Personal Focus: Average BAB/HD d10/Good Fortitude/Shortsword. Specializations: Advanced Focus, Evasion, Low-Light Vision, Poison Proficiency feat, Secret Door Sense, Sneak Attack +2d6.
Board Link: To feedback on this class posted on the Wizards of the Coast message boards.
The professional pursues an occupation, proficiency, or lifestyle with such focus and determination that he rises above the status of mere expert to that of skilled ally or adept enemy. The professional class, like the Profession skill, is an umbrella term for any number of occupation-based or lifestyle-based character concepts; acrobat, alchemist, courtesan, explorer, outlaw, sage, and thug are all suitable professional concepts.
Once the professional concept is chosen, all choices made in constructing and advancing the character, from the initial Skill Set and Personal Focus to the last Specialization, should support the chosen concept. The player and the DM should agree at the outset of character creation which class skills, feats, and potential class features listed below specifically support the chosen concept and which are inappropriate and can never be selected.
Professionals are common among all races, although certain races may gravitate towards specific concepts. Gnomes, for example, may often pursue alchemist, charlatan, or clown, while half-orcs may be inclined toward hunter, outlaw, and thug.

Noble Prestige Classes: None.
Adaptation: The professional can serve as a PC alternative to the expert NPC class.
Game Rule Information
Professionals (Pro) have the following game statistics.
Abilities: Intelligence is an important quality for any professional, granting him extra skill points and determining spellcasting ability, when applicable. Other abilities can also prove vital to the professional, depending on the concept chosen: an Acrobat may require Strength and Dexterity, for example, while a Harlequin may rely on Dexterity and Charisma.
Initial Base Attack Bonus: Poor (as a wizard).
Initial Hit Die: d6.
Initial Saves: Poor Fortitude, Reflex, and Will.
Class Skills: The professional chooses any ten skills to be class skills, thereafter known as the professional's Skill Set. The chosen skill set must relate thematically to the professional concept and be approved by the DM. Concentration, Craft, and Profession are considered common skills for professionals and appropriate for most, if not all, skill sets. Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Intelligence modifier (x4 at 1st level).
Alignment: Any.
Starting Age: As a wizard.
Starting Gold: 8d4 x 10gp.
Favored Class: Professional is favored class for half-elves and humans, and an additional or alternate favored class for all races, at the DM's discretion. The DM may opt to limit only certain types of professionals as favored for certain races, such as alchemists for gnomes or thugs for half-orcs.
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the professional.
Weapons and Armor Proficiency: Professionals are proficient in all simple weapons and with Light armor.
- Personal Focus, Specialization
- Specialization
- Specialization
- Specialization
- Specialization
- Specialization
- Specialization
- Specialization
- Specialization
Personal Focus
A professional starts with poor Base Attack Bonus (as a wizard), Hit Die d6, and all Poor saves. At character creation, the player can raise one of more of these qualities by a total of two ranks. For example, a player may increase by one rank both the professional's HD (to d8) and one save (to Good), raise two saves by one rank each (both to Good), raise his BAB (to Average) and one save (to Good), or raise by two ranks either his BAB (to Good) or his HD (to d10) - or any similar combination. The professional may also use the Advanced Focus specialization at 1st level to further augment his Personal Focus.
In addition, he receives one additional weapon proficiency or armor proficiency of his choice.
Specialization [1st/2nd/5th/7th/10th/12th/15th/17th/20th level]
At the indicated levels, the professional further focuses on his chosen field, utilizing skills and abilities in combinations unavailable to other classes. Access to Specializations must contribute to the professional concept chosen. Whenever the professional receives the Specialization class feature, he chooses to benefit from one of the following:
- Advanced Focus: This specialization can only be selected at 1st level. The number of ranks the professional can raise his initial Base Attack Bonus, Hit Dice, and/or Saving Throws increases to four.
- Bonus Feat: He can select any General feat that he qualifies for and that supports his professional concept. Up to two feats can be selected from a category other than General (Divine, Metamagic, Item Creation, etc.); when meeting the prerequisites for and later using any such non-General feat, he can use his professional level minus 2 in lieu of any required class level (such as caster level for Brew Potion or fighter level for Weapon Specialization). Can be taken multiple times.
- Quick Learner: He can select any two skills as additional class skills. Can be taken multiple times.
- Skill Emphasis: He can choose either a +3 insight bonus to any one class skill, a +2 insight bonus to any two class skills, or a +1 insight bonus to any five class skills. Can be taken multiple times.
- Skill Mastery: He chooses number of class skills equal to his Intelligence modifier; the professional can now Take 10 on these skills under any circumstances. Can be taken multiple times, each time applying to different class skills.
- Special Ability: When it supports his concept, the professional can focus his abilities by selecting an extraordinary special ability from the following list; unless stated otherwise, each ability can only be chosen once: Chosen Foe (grants +1 Favored Enemy bonus vs. a single creature type; can be taken up to six times, each time raising the bonus by +1.), Evasion (as a rogue), Fascinate (as a bard, based on ranks in either Bluff or Perform, designated when selected), Improved Uncanny Dodge (as a rogue), Inspire Courage (as a bard, based on ranks in either Diplomacy or Perform, designated when selected), Lore (as Bardic Knowledge), Low-Light Vision (as a gnome), Poison Use (as an assassin), Repair (as a tinker), Secret Door Sense (as an elf), Sneak Attack +1d6 (as a rogue; can be taken multiple times but not on consecutive levels, each time granting an additional +1d6), Stonecunning (as a dwarf), Trap Sense (as a rogue; can be taken multiple times, each time increasing the bonus by +1), Uncanny Dodge (as a rogue), or Wild Empathy (as a ranger).
- Spellcasting: Arcane: He gains limited arcane spellcasting ability. The professional casts arcane spells without preparation as a sorcerer but based on his Intelligence score. His Spells Known/Per Day are determined by the number of times he has chosen the Arcane specialization (known as his Arcane Rank; see the table below). He can know and cast appropriate spells selected from the sorcerer spell list; in addition, he can choose to instead learn a number of spells from other arcane spell lists (bard, wizard, etc.) equal to his Intelligence modifier. All spells chosen must related thematically to or support the professional concept – obscuring mist and grease for an alchemist, for example, but not shield or magic missile. A professional's caster level is equal to half his professional level. Can be taken multiple times but not on consecutive levels.
- Spellcasting: Divine: He gains limited divine spellcasting ability. The professional casts divine spells without preparation as a sorcerer but based on his Wisdom score. His Spells Known/Per Day are determined by the number of times he has chosen the Divine specialization (known as his Divine Rank; see the table below). He can know and cast appropriate spells selected from the cleric and druid spell lists; in addition, he can choose to instead learn a number of spells from other divine spell lists (paladin, ranger, etc.) equal to his Wisdom modifier. All spells chosen must related thematically to or support the professional concept – goodberry and purify food and drink for an herbalist, for example, but not command or doom. A professional's caster level is equal to half his professional level. Can be taken multiple times but not on consecutive levels.
Spells Known/Per Day
Rank 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 3 - - - - - -
2 3 2 - - - - -
3 3 3 2 - - - -
4 3 3 3 1 - - -
5 3 3 3 2 1 - -
6 3 3 3 2 2 1 -
7 3 3 3 2 2 2 1
8 4 3 3 3 3 3 2
Epic Professional: The epic-level professional continues his Hit Die, skill point, and Specialization progressions (22nd, 25th, 27th, 30th, etc). In addition, he receives bonus epic feats at 25th level and every five levels thereafter (25th, 30th, 35th, 40th, etc).
Sample Professional Progressions
Skill Set: Balance, Climb, Concentration, Escape Artist, Jump, Move Silently, Perform (Dance), Profession (Acrobat), Tumble, and Use Rope. Personal Focus: Average BAB/Good Reflex/Longspear. Specializations: Combat Expertise feat, Dodge feat, Evasion, Improved Unarmed Strike feat, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Mobility feat, Skill Mastery (Climb/Tumble).
Skill Set: Appraise, Concentration, Craft (Alchemy), Disguise, Heal, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Nature), Profession (Alchemist), Sleight of Hand, and Spellcraft. Personal Focus: Good Fortitude and Will/Pick. Specializations: Arcane V (glitterdust, grease, Melf’s acid arrow, stinking cloud, etc.), Brew Potion feat, Poison Use.
Skill Set: Appraise, Craft (Armorsmithing), Craft (Weaponsmithing), Disable Device, Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering), Perform (Percussion), Profession (Blacksmith), Search, Use Magic Device, and Use Rope. Personal Focus: Good Fortitude and Will/Warhammer. Specializations: Armor Proficiency (Medium) feat, Blacksmithing feat, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat, Craftsmanship feat, Craft Wondrous Item feat, Repair, Stonecunning.
Bounty Hunter
Skill Set: Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Move Silently, Open Lock, Ride, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, and Use Rope. Personal Focus: Good BAB/HD d8/Good Reflex/Net. Specializations: Advanced Focus, Chosen Foe +2 (Humanoids), Low-Light Vision, Skill Emphasis +2 (Listen/Spot), Sneak Attack +2d6.
Skill Set: Bluff, Craft (Alchemy), Diplomacy, Disguise, Forgery, Perform (Oratory), Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Spellcraft, and Use Magic Device. Personal Focus: Good Reflex and Will/Shortsword. Specializations: Arcane IV (disguise self, expeditious retreat, invisibility, polymorph, etc.), Evasion, Fascinate, Sneak Attack +1d6.
Skill Set: Concentration, Craft (Alchemy), Craft (Pottery), Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Heal, Knowledge (Nature), Profession (Chef), Search, and Survival. Personal Focus: HD d8/Good Fortitude/Handaxe. Specializations: Brew Potion feat, Divine V (goodberry, grease, create food and water, purify food and drink, etc.), Poison Use.
Skill Set: Balance, Bluff, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Jump, Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty), Perform (Comedy), Profession (Entertainer), Sleight of Hand, and Tumble. Personal Focus: Medium BAB/Good Reflex/Sap. Specializations: Arcane III (color spray, prestidigitation, cat's grace, Tasha's hideous laughter, etc.), Dodge feat, Evasion, Fascinate, Skill Emphasis +2 (Perform [Comedy]/Tumble).
Skill Set: Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge (Local), Profession (Law Enforcement), Ride, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, and Use Rope. Personal Focus: Good BAB/HD d8/Good Will/Medium armor. Specializations: Advanced Focus, Divine II (command, cure minor wounds, light, remove fear, etc.), Chosen Foe +2 (Humanoids), Combat Expertise feat, Low-Light Vision.
Skill Set: Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Heal, Knowledge (Local), Perform (Dance), Perform (Sing), Search, Sense Motive, and Sleight of Hand. Personal Focus: Good Reflex and Will/Sap. Specializations: Arcane II (disguise self, charm person, dancing lights, message, etc.), Attractive feat, Fascinate, Low-Light Vision, Skill Emphasis +1 (Bluff/Diplomacy/Gather Information/Sense Motive/Sleight of Hand), Skill Mastery (Bluff/Sense Motive).
Skill Set: Balance, Climb, Craft, Escape Artist, Jump, Open Lock, Perform, Ride, Swim, and Tumble. Personal Focus: Average BAB/HD d8/Good Fortitude and Reflex/Sap. Specializations: Advanced Focus, Blind-Fight feat, Dodge feat, Endurance feat, Evasion, Iron Will feat, Toughness feat.
Skill Set: Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge (Geography), Knowledge (Local), Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty), Perform (Oratory), Ride, and Sense Motive. Personal Focus: HD d8/Good Will/Hand crossbow. Specializations: Arcane IV (calm emotions, charm person, comprehend languages, tongues, etc.), Blueblooded feat, Fascinate, Skill Emphasis (Diplomacy/Sense Motive).
Skill Set: Appraise, Climb, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Jump, Knowledge (Geography), Ride, Spot, Survival, and Swim. Personal Focus: Average BAB/Good Reflex/Whip. Specializations: Arcane I (detect magic, light, and read magic), Lore, Low-Light Vision, Quick Learner (Search/Use Rope), Secret Door Sense, Skill Emphasis +1 (Climb/Decipher Script/Search/Spot/Survival), Uncanny Dodge (+1 vs. Traps).
Skill Set: Concentration, Craft (Alchemy), Craft (Basketweaving), Handle Animal, Heal, Knowledge (Nature), Profession (Farmer), Profession (Herbalist), Spot, and Survival. Personal Focus: Good Fortitude and Will/Scythe. Specializations: Divine V (charm animal, detect animals and plants, plant growth, speak with animals, etc.), Quick Leaner (Knowledge [Local]/Ride), Skill Emphasis +2 (Handle Animal/Survival).
Skill Set: Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge (Local), Listen, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, and Use Rope. Personal Focus: Good BAB/HD d8/Good Fortitude/Longspear. Specializations: Advanced Focus, Armor Proficiency (Medium) feat, Low-Light Vision, Shield Proficiency feat, Skill Emphasis +2 (Sense Motive/Spot), Weapon Focus (Longspear) feat.
Skill Set: Bluff, Craft (Alchemy), Gather Information, Handle Animal, Knowledge (Local), Perform (Sing), Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Spellcraft, and Survival. Personal Focus: Good Reflex and Will/Shortsword. Specializations: Arcane IV (charm person, glitterdust, goodberry, scrying, etc.), Fortunetelling feat, Sneak Attack +1d6, Wild Empathy.
Skill Set: Concentration, Craft (Alchemy), Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Heal, Knowledge (Nature), Profession (Herbalist), Search, Spot, and Survival. Personal Focus: Good Fortitude and Will/Scythe. Specializations: Divine IV (cure light wounds, entangle, goodberry, purify food and drink, etc.), Poison Use, Skill Emphasis +3 (Craft [Alchemy]).
Skill Set: Climb, Craft (Bowmaking), Handle Animal, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Ride, Spot, Survival, and Swim. Personal Focus: Average BAB/Good Reflex/Longbow. Specializations: Chosen Foe +4 (Animals), Low-Light Vision, Point Blank Shot feat, Precise Shot feat.
Skill Set: Bluff, Concentration, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (History), Listen, Profession (Linguist), and Sense Motive. Personal Focus: HD d8/Good Will/Shortbow. Specializations: Arcane II (charm person, message, read magic, ventriloquism, etc.), Divine III (command, comprehend languages, enthrall, speak with animals, etc.), Fascinate, Inspire Courage.
Skill Set: Appraise, Bluff, Craft (Weaponsmithing), Diplomacy, Gather Information, Knowledge (Local), Profession (Merchant), Sense Motive, Spot, and Use Magic Device. Personal Focus: HD d8/Good Will/Hand crossbow. Specializations: Arcane VI (detect magic, identify, Leomund's secret chest, locate object, etc.), Secret Door Sense.
Skill Set: Concentration, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Handle Animal, Heal, Knowledge (Geography), Knowledge (Religion), Ride, Spellcraft, and Survival. Personal Focus: HD d8/Good Will/Shield. Specializations: Divine V (calm emotions, consecrate, create food and water, enthrall, etc.), Inspire Courage, Skill Emphasis +2 (Diplomacy/Ride).
Skill Set: Appraise, Concentration, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (History), Knowledge (Religion), Sense Motive, Spellcraft, and Spot. Personal Focus: Good Reflex and Will/Shortbow. Specializations: Arcane V (detect evil, detect magic, divination, true strike, etc.), Lore, Secret Door Sense.
Skill Set: Bluff, Craft (Bowmaking), Disguise, Escape Artist, Gather Information, Hide, Move Silently, Ride, Survival, and Use Rope. Personal Focus: Average BAB/Good Reflex/Longsword. Specializations: Evasion, Skill Emphasis +2 (Hide/Survival), Skill Mastery (Hide/Ride/Use Rope) Skill Emphasis +2 (Bluff/Escape Artist), Sneak Attack +1d6, Two-Weapon Fighting feat, Uncanny Dodge.
Skill Set: Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Climb, Craft (Shipmaking), Jump, Intimidate, Spot, Swim, and Use Rope. Personal Focus: Good BAB/HD d8/Good Fortitude/Scimitar. Specializations: Advanced Focus, Leadership feat, Seafarer feat, Sneak Attack +3d6, Two-Weapon Fighting feat.
Skill Set: Concentration, Craft (Alchemy), Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Geography), Knowledge (History), Knowledge (Nature), Profession (Teacher), and Spellcraft. Personal Focus: Good Fortitude and Will/Shield. Specializations: Arcane V (identify, scrying, tongues, true strike, etc.), Lore, Scholarly feat.
Skill Set: Climb, Gather Information, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Ride, Search, Spot, Survival, and Swim. Personal Focus: Average BAB/Good Reflex/Composite longbow. Specializations: Dodge feat, Low-Light Vision, Skill Emphasis +1 (Climb/Hide/Listen/Move Silently/Spot), Secret Door Sense, Sneak Attack +2d6, Uncanny Dodge.
Skill Set: Appraise, Concentration, Craft (Calligraphy), Decipher Script, Forgery, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (History), Knowledge (Religion), Profession (Teacher), and Spellcraft. Personal Focus: Good Fortitude and Will/Shield. Specializations: Arcane VI (arcane mark, glyph of warding, read magic, sepia snake sigil, etc.), Scribe Scroll feat.
Skill Set: Appraise, Bluff, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (Local), Listen, Open Lock, Search, and Spot. Personal Focus: Average BAB/HD d10/Good Fortitude/Shortsword. Specializations: Advanced Focus, Evasion, Low-Light Vision, Poison Proficiency feat, Secret Door Sense, Sneak Attack +2d6.
Board Link: To feedback on this class posted on the Wizards of the Coast message boards.
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