The Witch
[D&D Core Class]
The Witch
Mistresses of haunted forests, healers on the outskirts of town, crones creeping through crypts, or that unusually charming maiden: witches come in all shapes and dispositions, but they are often objects of mystery and suspicion in most cultures, even hated and persecuted. Like sorcerers, witches are born with their aptitude for charms, trickery, and nature magic - often from the union of an ancestor and a Fey, Lycanthrope, or Outsider. Witches can also draw upon other sources of arcane inspiration, such as symbols, icons, and certain creatures, by dabbling in arcane Arts.
Witch is a path often pursued by humans, half-elves, and half-orcs. Male witches, often called warlocks, are uncommon except among the drow.

Witch Prestige Classes: astrologer, bog hag, cat cultist, crone, crystalcaster, demon witch, dreamweaver, faerie witch, gypsy witch, mistress of mirrors, mistress of mist, pentaclist, scalemaid, sister of the moon, violet lady, voodoo queen, warlock arachne, warlock of war, weird sister, white witch, winter warlock, witch king.
Adaptation: The witch, an expansion of the class hinted at in the DMG, is designed as a flavorful and accurate realization of the witch archetype, a standard in fantasy. When one hears the term "witch," very specific ideas come to mind - none of which are realized accurately in any of the standard core classes or their multiclass combinations. This witch can replace the sorcerer as a more flavorful alternative, using Dabble to represent bloodlines and giving the otherwise ho-hum sorcerer a more distinct flavor. Not only is a sorcerer/druid not a witch, it is an unfair dilution of two core classes. The witch deserves a place of her own at the table of D&D. She's been baking German children in gingerbread houses, foretelling the fall of Shakespearean kings, thwarting Merlins and vampire slayers, and chasing Bugs Bunny with a cauldron for thousands of years. And this is how I see her.
Game Rule Information
Witches (Wch) have the following game statistics.
Abilities: Charisma is a very important characteristic for witches, as it dictates their prowess as spellcasters and their skill in manipulation and influence. Lacking armor and most protective magicks, witches greatly benefit from high Dexterity scores to avoid deadly blows and high Constitution scores to survive those blows that land.
Base Attack Bonus: Poor (as a sorcerer).
Hit Die: d4.
Saves: Good Will / Poor Fortitude and Reflex.
Class Skills: The witch's class skills are Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Knowledge (Nature) (Int), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), and Survival (Wis). Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Intelligence modifier (x4 at 1st level).
Alignment: Any. Most witches tend to be chaotic and neutral.
Starting Age: As a sorcerer.
Starting Gold: 3d4 x 10gp.
Favored Class: Witch is favored class for half-elves and humans, and an additional or alternate favored class for half-orcs, at the DM's discretion.
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the witch.
Weapons and Armor Proficiency: Witches are proficient with the club, dagger, dart, and quarterfstaff. They are not proficient with any type of armor or with shields.
Dabble [1st/10th/20th]
Each witch has a natural affinity for one of the forbidden, secret, or obscure branches of witchcraft called the Arcane Arts [see below]. Dabbling in a particular Art can merely reflect the witch's own personal preference or hint at some magical heredity. A witch descended from a humanoid and Fey union may naturally have a knack for Fairy Magic, for example, while one from a humanoid and weretiger coupling may dabble in Cat Magic, Moon Magic, or both. At the indicated levels, she selects an Art in which to dabble that corresponds with her alignment. She gains the indicated power and adds the listed spells to her list of Spells Known.
The witch is often accompanied by a peculiar animal familiar, such as a black cat, warty toad, or owl. Attracting her familiar takes one day and uses up magical materials that cost 100gp. If selected at 1st level, some Arts, such as Cat Magic, dictate the type of familiar received.
The cultist casts divine spells as a bard casts arcane spells, using her Charisma score to determine maximum spell level and Difficulty Class and her Wisdom score to determine bonus spells. The cultist chooses spells from the following list:
The witch practices witchcraft, magic of charms, deception, insight, and nature. She casts arcane spells without preparation, using the sorcerer spell progression. She uses her Charisma score to determine maximum spell level, spell DCs, and bonus spells. However, the witch uses her own spell list, called Witchcraft:
Spell Notes: At 4th level and every two levels thereafter, the witch can exchange one of her Spells Known for any other spell of equal or lower level from the Witchcraft spell list or from any Art in which she dabbles. When casting any Witchcraft or Art spell with a divine focus, the witch may substitute a sprig of belladonna
Cauldroncraft [3rd level]
With a bubbling cauldron, the witch can concoct a variety or elixirs and potions. She receives the Brew Potion feat for free.
Trackless Step [5th level]
Creeping through woods, the witch is like a mist passing through shadows. She leaves no trail in natural surroundings and cannot be tracked. This is extraordinary.
Bewitch [6th/12th/18th level]
By merely uttering a few seductive words, the witch can bewitch another creature with charm person. If the witch delivers Bewitch as a touch attack, the DC is increased +2. This spell-like ability can be used once per day for every six levels of witch.
Hex [7th/14th level]
By uttering a few carefully chosen words – sometimes poetic, often vulgar – the witch can hex any creature within 30 feet as if she had cast a ranged version of bestow curse. If the witch delivers the Hex as a touch attack, the DC increases +2. This spell-like ability can be used once per day for every seven levels of witch.
Coven [13th level]
A witch of sufficient power and renown attracts lesser witches, her seek her out for instruction and protection. The witch is considered to have the Leadership feat for the purposes of attracting witches and warlocks as followers. If she already has the Leadership feat, her effective level is considered +2 for the purposes of attracting other witches.
In addition, witches gain power in numbers. When at least seven ally witches are within a 30-foot radius area, with no two witches more than 30 feet apart, each witch enjoys a +2 morale bonus to the DC of all witch spells they cast. When 13 witches congregate, they enjoy a +4 morale bonus to the DC of all witch spells they cast. This is extraordinary.
Ageless [20th level]
She is forever young. The witch no longer suffers ability penalties for aging and cannot be magically aged; bonuses are still accrued, and she still dies of old age when her time it up. This is extraordinary.
Epic Witch: The epic-level witch continues her Hit Die, skill point, Bewitch, and Hex progressions. In addition, she receives bonus feats at 24th level and every four levels thereafter (24th, 28th, 32nd, 36th, etc).
Arcane Arts
The following Arcane Arts can only be accessed by witches or those with the Dabble class feature.
Witches who dabble in Astrology believe that fate is found in the stars, in the patterns and dictates of the zodiac. Only witches of a Nonchaotic alignment can dabble in Astrology. Power: Starcharting: The witch gains the Fortunetelling feat for free. Bonus Spells Known: 0 know direction, 1 little dipper [or bless]. 2 silence 3 deeper darkness, 4 shooting star [or air walk], 5 ursa minor [or contact other plane], 6 shadow walk, 7 aim of Sagittarius [or sunburst], 8 Gemini twin [or scintillating pattern], 9 meteor swarm
Some witches celebrate the various forms of beauty that nature provides, finding beauty even in that which others disregard. Only nonevil witches dabble in Beauty. Power: Inner Beauty: The witch receives a +2 bonus on all Charisma-based skill checks. Bonus Spells Known: 0 purify food and drink, 1 color spray, 2 make whole, 3 fairy wings [or daylight], 4 repel vermin, 5 fabricate, 6 symbol of persuasion, 7 regenerate, 8 scintillating pattern, 9 prismatic sphere
Black Magic (The Dark Art)
Also known as the Dark Art, Black Magic is a vile branch of witchcraft devoted to death and pain. Only witches of an Evil alignment can dabble in Black Magic. Power: Poison Apples: The witch can handle poisons with no chance of poisoning herself and receives a +2 bonus to all Craft (Poisonmaking) checks. Bonus Spells Known: 0 gothic [or inflict minor wounds] 1 animate corpse [or deathwatch], 2 command undead, 3 vampiric touch, 4 animate dead, 5 blight, 6 create undead, 7 blasphemy, 8 unholy aura, 9 arrow of slaying [or soulbind]
Brimstone (The Infernal Art)
Witches that dabble in Brimstone command the fires of Hell. Only witches of an Evil alignment dabble in the Infernal Art. Power: Intimidate and Knowledge (The Planes) are class skills, and the witch can speak Infernal as a bonus language. Bonus Spells Known: 0 resistance, 1 fury eyes [ or endure elements], 2 summon monster II (lemure), 3 stinking cloud, 4 wall of fire, 5 summon monster V (bearded devil), 6 cloudkill, 7 fire storm, 8 incendiary cloud, 9 summon monster IX (barbed devil)
The witch's broom is a thing of legends - as a companion, weapon, and even means of transportation. Power: In the hands of the witch, a normal broom can be wielded as if it were a club or a quarterstaff (her choice each round), and she receives a +1 to her attack and damage rolls with such a weapon. All Brooms spells require possession of a broom. Bonus Spells Known: 0 big stick [or resistance], 1 shillelagh, 2 animate item (broom) [or warp wood], 3 fly, 4 minor creation, 5 overland flight, 6 banishment, 7 repulsion, 8 changestaff, 9 refuge
Candles are a source of power in many arcane rituals, and their dancing light radiates mystical potential. Only Nonlawful witches can dabble in Candles. Power: Candlesight: The witch gains low-light vision; if she already possesses this ability, she can now see three times as far (instead of twice as far) as a creature without it. Bonus Spells Known: 0 know direction, 1 detect undead, 2 continual flame, 3 flame arrow, 4 summon monster IV (lantern archon), 5 fire shield, 6 shadow walk, 7 delayed blast fireball, 8 scintillating pattern, 9 ursa major [or astral projection]
Cat Magic
Indifferent yet curious, cats are revered by many witches as mystical creatures, and their essence tapped for arcane power. Only witches with a Neutral component to their alignment can dabble in Cat Magic, and they always receive a cat as their familiar. Power: Tongue of the Cat: The witch gains Wild Empathy with felines and can communicate with felines twice per day as if using speak with animals, as cast by a druid of her character level. Bonus Spells Known: 0 know direction, 1 jump, 2 cat's grace, 3 greater magic fang, 4 polymorph (feline), 5 summon nature's ally V (dire lion), 6 mass cat's grace, 7 summon nature's ally VII (dire tiger), 8 summon monster VIII (hellcat), 9 wail of the banshee
Some witches find additional arcane potential in the cauldron, often used in the brewing of potions. Only Nonchaotic witches can dabble in Cauldrons. Power: Witch's Brew: The witch incurs only 75% of the normal costs associated with the Brew Potion feat and receives a +2 bonus on all Craft (Alchemy) checks. All Cauldrons spells require a small pot or cauldron as a material component. Bonus Spells Known: 0 create water, 1 grease, 2 pyrotechnics, 3 create food and water, 4 solid fog, 5 cloudkill, 6 ironwood, 7 simulacrum, 8 incendiary cloud, 9 gate
Many witches harness the hidden mystical power inherent to crystals, shards, and gems, using these items for both their magical potential and natural beauty. Only witches of Nonevil alignment can dabble with Crystals. Power: Spellcrystal: Once per day, the witch can cast a Witchcraft or Art spell as if affected by the Eschew Materials feat or by the Silent Spell or Still Spell feat without taking up the higher spell slot or requiring her to have the feat, as long as she possesses a gem of at least 25gp value. Bonus Spells Known: 0 resistance, 1 color spray, 2 shatter, 3 keen edge, 4 minor creation, 5 wall of stone, 6 blade barrier, 7 prismatic spray, 8 refuge, 9 trap the soul
The curse already plays a major role in mainstream witchcraft, yet there are even deeper pools of cruelty and venom to explore, new ways to exact vengeance and ruin. Only Nongood witches can dabble in Curses. Power: Profanity: Once per day, the witch can cast a witchcraft spell with a Verbal component as if affected by the Eschew Materials feat or by the Silent Spell feat without taking up the higher spell slot or requiring her to have the feat. Bonus Spells Known: 0 touch of fatigue, 1 bane, 2 jinx [or desecrate], 3 remove curse, 4 crushing despair, 5 mark of justice, 6 permanency, 7 pwer worda: blind, 8 blasphemy, 9 imprisonment
Demonology (The Abyssal Art)
Summoning spells are rare in mainstream witchcraft. Some witches, however, dabble in Demonology, the forbidden form of summoning, coercing, and imploring demons and other fiends to do their bidding. Only Nongood witches can dabble in the Abyssal Art. Power: Intimidate and Knowledge (The Planes) are class skills, and the witch can speak Abyssal as a bonus language. Bonus Spells Known: 0 resistance, 1 bane, 2 detect thoughts, 3 summon monster III (dretch), 4 dismissal, 5 contact other plane, 6 planar binding, 7 summon monster VII (babau), 8 summon monster VIII (vrock), 9 gate
Dreams are powerful manifestations of subconscious fears and desires. Some witches tap that imaginary world for arcane power. Only Chaotic witches can dabble in Dreams. Power: Lucidity: She adds her Charisma modifier to all Will saves to disbelieve Illusions and avoid sleep effects. Bonus Spells Known: 0 touch of fatigue 1 feather fall, 2 identify, 3 dream, 4 phantasmal killer, 5 symbol of sleep, 6 permanent image, 7 limited wish, 8 moment of prescience, 9 astral projection
Fairy Magic
Some witches tap Fey for arcane inspiration, drawing upon these nature spirits to augment their own magic. Only Nonlawful witches can dabble in Fairy Magic, a favorite Art of elves. Power: The witch speaks Sylvan and either Aquan, Auran, Elven, or Terran as bonus languages; if she already speaks Sylvan, she can select a second listed language. Bonus Spells Known: 0 daze animal, 1 pass without trace, 2 clover patch [or animal messenger], 3 fairy wings [or invisibility], 4 summon nature's ally (unicorn), 5 commune with nature, 6 cat's grace: mass, 7 summon nature's ally VII (pixie), 8 Otto's irresistible dance, 9 summon nature's ally IX (grig)
Folk Magic
Mysterious but earthy, spiritual yet vengeful, gypsies are the primary dabblers in Folk Magic, a hodgepodge Art also practiced by fortunetellers, peasant herbalists, witch doctors, and other Nonlawful witches. Power: The witch can take the Fortunetelling feat for free or select two of the following as class skills: Gather Information, Knowledge (Local), Perform, or Sleight of Hand. Bonus Spells Known: 0 purify food and drink, 1 goodberry, 2 delay poison, 3 speak with dead, 4 legend lore, 5 mark of justice, 6 heal, 7 raise dead, 8 Otto's irresistible dance, 9 power word: kill
Gaze Magic
The gaze of a witch can be a terrible thing, bringing charm or woe or even death, as she wishes. Only Nongood witches can dabble in Gaze Magic. Power: Witcheye: All gaze attacks from the witch enjoy a +2 bonus to their DCs, and she may select either Intimidate or Spot as a class skill. Bonus Spells Known: 0 detect poison, 1 fury eyes [or detect secret doors], 2 darkvision, 3 detect scrying, 4 invisibility: greater, 5 telekinesis, 6 analyse dweomer, 7 power word: blind, 8 polar ray, 9 implosion
Green Magic
Many witches hold particular sway over the vines and trees of the woodlands. Only Nonevil witches can dabble in Green Magic. Power: Woodland Stride: The witch can move through any sort of undergrowth at her normal speed without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. Bonus Spells Known: 0 big stick [or purify food and drink], 1 shillelagh, 2 tree shape, 3 speak with plants, 4 antiplant shell, 5 commune with nature, 6 greater cudgel, [or liveoak], 7 changestaff, 8 control plants, 9 shambler
Incantations are chants and recitations that evoke magic, or arcane rhymes and mystical poems. Due to the structure and precision required by the Spoken Art, dabblers in Incantations must be Nonchaotic. Power: Speakspell: Once per day, the witch can cast a witchcraft spell with a Verbal component as if affected by the Eschew Materials feat or by the Still Spell feat without taking up the higher spell slot or requiring her to have the feat. Bonus Spells Known: 0 open/close, 1 magic mouth, 2 shatter, 3 prayer, 4 shout, 5 commune, 6 power word: deafen [ or word of recall], 7 word of chaos, 8 shout: greater, 9 wish
Some witches find power in mirrors, in their reversed worlds and revealed truths. Others simply find power in their own image – a vanity that fuels their ambitions. Only Nonchaotic witches (those who "will not shatter") dabble in Mirrors. Power: Self-Image: She adds her Charisma modifier to all Will saves against Charm effects. Bonus Spells Known: 0 flare, 1 entropic shield, 2 mirror image, 3 displacement, 4 imbue with spell ability, 5 mislead, 6 juxtaposition [ or cure moderate wounds: mass], 7 spell turning, 8 spell turning, 9 Gemini twin
Mist Magic
Slowly creeping fogs and eerily quiet clouds: Some witches draw on the essence of mist for arcane inspiration. Only witches with a Neutral component to their alignment dabble in Mist Magic. Power: Fogfoot: Once per day for 10 minutes, the witch can pass without trace through any environment, as the spell cast by a druid of her caster level.. Bonus Spells Known: 0 daze, 1 obscuring mist, 2 fog cloud, 3 gaseous form, 4 solid fog, 5 cloudkill, 6 wind walk, 7 etherealness, 8 incendiary cloud, 9 summon monster IX (elder air elemental)
Moon Magic (The Pale Circle)
Tapping the energies of the moon, the night, and darkness, witches who dabble in Moon Magic, also known as the Pale Circle, must have a Neutral component to their alignment. Power: The witch gains low-light vision; if she already possesses this ability, she can now see three times as far (instead of twice as far) as a creature without it. Bonus Spells Known: 0 gothic, 1 faerie fire, 2 owl's wisdom, 3 deep slumber, 4 fear, 5 mind fog, 6 shadow walk, 7 insanity, 8 ursa major, 9 summon monster IX (night hag)
Some witches hold that numbers have power, that destinies are borne and empires crumble at their hidden meanings and powerful sequences. Only Lawful witches dabble in Numerology. Power: Numerate: Once per day, the witch can cast a witchcraft spell as if affected by the Enlarge Spell or Extend Spell feat without taking up the higher spell slot or requiring her to have the feat. Bonus Spells Known: 0 internal sundial, 1 reduce person, 2 mirror image, 3 slow, 4 mass enlarge person, 5 spell resistance, 6 greater haste, 7 greater restoration, 8 clone, 9 time stop
The pentacle, the five-pointed star at the heart of magic circle spells, is a powerful symbol to the witch. Some witches, however, recognize additional power in this particular rune. Witches dabbling in Pentacles must be Nonchaotic. Power: The witch gains the Spell Thematics feat affecting the Pentacles spell list, raising the DC of all affected spells by +1 and with the illusory manifestation always including images of pentacles. Bonus Spells Known: 0 arcane mark, 1 shield, 2 hypnotic pattern, 3 glyph of warding, 4 wall of fire (ring), 5 symbol of pain, 6 circle of death, 7 antimagic aura, 8 symbol of death, 9 teleportation circle
Some witches uncover their third eye, gaining insight into truth and possibility. Only Nonchaotic witches dabble in Prophecy. Power: The witch can take the Fortunetelling feat for free or select two of the following as class skills: Decipher Script, Listen, Sense Motive, or Spot. Bonus Spells Known: 0 guidance, 1 true strike, 2 detect thoughts, 3 clairvoyance/clairaudience, 4 minor divination, 5 true seeing, 6 prophecy, 7 vision, 8 greater danger sense, 9 foresight
Raven Magic
Mysterious and clever, ravens hold a distinct place in witchcraft. Only nongood witches dabble in Raven Magic, and they always receive a raven as their familiar. Power: Raventongue: The witch gains Wild Empathy with birds and can communicate with birds twice per day as if using speak with animals, as cast by a druid of her character level. Bonus Spells Known: 0 gothic, 1 feather fall, 2 animal messenger (birds), 3 fly, 4 freedom of movement, 5 baleful polymorph (raven), 6 shadow walk, 7 forcecage, 8 summon nature's ally VIII (roc), 9 baleful massmorph (ravens)
Witches are naturally subtle and sly creatures, more prone to innuendo and secrecy than candor. Some witches further explore the magic of mystery by dabbling in Secrets. Knowledge is only as secret as the resolve of those who know it; as such, only Nonchaotic witches dabble in Secrets. Power: The witch gains two of the following as class skills: Disguise, Hide, Listen, or Move Silently. Bonus Spells Known: 0 detect secret doors, 1 disguise self, 2 detect thoughts, 3 nondetection, 4 modify memory, 5 true seeing, 6 legend lore, 7 mass invisibility, 8 antipathy, 9 mind blank
Seduction is practiced by witches and nonwitches alike. Some witches, however, find additional power in their own personal magnetism, in deception and temptation. Only Nongood witches can dabble in the illicit Art of Seduction. Power: The witch gains two of the following as class skills: Diplomacy, Gather Information, Perform, or Sense Motive. Bonus Spells Known: 0 message, 1 disguise self, 2 eagle's splendor, 3 tongues, 4 charm monster, 5 seeming, 6 mass suggestion, 7 mass charm monster, 8 sympathy, 9 dominate monster
Serpent Magic
This often sinister Art, also known as the Serpentine Way, draws on the essence of snakes and reptiles for arcane power. Only Nongood witches can dabble in Serpent Magic, and they always receive a snake as a familiar. Power: She receives a +1 bonus to Reflex saves and a +3 bonus to saves against poison. Bonus Spells Known: 0 detect poison, 1 animate rope, 2 summon monster II (fiendish viper), 3 sepia snake sigil, 4 polymorph (snake), 5 baleful polymorph (snake), 6 summon monster VI (fiendish constrictor), 7 wyrm's cunning, 8 baleful massmorph (snakes), 9 summon monster IX (couatl)
Melodies can carry arcane magic, and many Nonevil witches dabble in Songs, exploring the arcana and beauty of song. Power: Spellsong: Perform (Sing) is a class skill, and once per day, the witch can cast a Witchcraft or Art spell with a Verbal component as if affected by the Eschew Materials feat or by the Still Spell feat without taking up the higher spell slot or requiring that she have the feat. Bonus Spells Known: 0 lullaby, 1 magic mouth, 2 enthrall, 3 ovation, 4 shout, 5 song of discord, 6 power word: deafen, 7 unicorn's splendor, 8 Otto's irresistible dance, 9 wail of the banshee
Spider Magic (The Drow Art)
Also known as the Drow Art, Spider Magic draws on the essence of the spider for arcane power. Only Evil witches, most commonly drow warlocks, can dabble in Spider Magic. Power: The witch receives Climb as a class skill and a +3 bonus to saves against poison. Bonus Spells Known: 0 detect poison, 1 spider climb, 2 web, 3 poison, 4 giant vermin, 5 baleful polymorph (spider), 6 summon monster VI (fiendish monstrous spider), 7 creeping doom, 8 baleful massmorph (spiders), 9 summon monster IX (fiendish monstrous spider)
Some witches tap the unseen world for power, holding sway over spirits and souls. Only Evil and Good witches can dabble in Spiritism. Power: Strong Spirit: The witch is immune to fear. Bonus Spells Known: 0 project thought, 1 detect undead, 2 detect thoughts, 3 speak with dead, 4 phantasmal killer, 5 death ward, 6 reincarnate, 7 control undead, 8 astral projection, 9 soul bind
Swamp Magic
Bogs and marshes are home to many witches, and some draw upon their environment for arcane power. Only witches with a Neutral component to their alignments can dabble in Swamp Magic. Power: Crocodillic: Swim is a class skill. The witch can hold her breath for a number of additional minutes equal to 1 + half her levels in witch before requiring drowning checks. Bonus Spells Known: 0 create water, 1 grease, 2 summon swarm, 3 stinking cloud, 4 summon nature's ally IV (giant crocodile), 5 transmute rock to mud, 6 control water, 7 creeping doom, 8 control plants, 9 shambler
The tradition of Tarot has a long history in witchcraft - the use of cards to tell the future and seal fate. Only nonchaotic witches dabble in Tarot. Power: Draw: The witch can select the Fortunetelling feat for free or she may substitute a tarot card or playing card for any material component worth 10gp or less once per day. Bonus Spells Known: 0 Ace of Cups (little dipper), 1 The Empress (command), 2 augury, 3 Temperance (hold person), 4 Queen of Staves (cudgel), 5 The Chariot (black carriage), 6 Ace of Pentacles (greater glyph of warding), 7 Queen of Swords (Mordenkainen's sword), 8 Strength (titan's strength), 9 The High Priestess (mass heal)
Witches have a long history with the toadstool, and some witches utilize these and other fungi for powerful effects. Dabblers in Toadstools must have a Neutral component to their alignment. Power: To better find fungi where they grow, the witch gains low-light vision; if she already possesses this ability, she gains darkvision out to 30 feet, which does not stack with existing darkvision. Bonus Spells Known: 0 detect poison, 1 toadstool (goodberry), 2 darkness, 3 poison, 4 vampiric touch, 5 mind fog, 6 cloudkill, 7 animate plants, 8 control plants, 9 shambler
Behind tales of witches who turn men into pigs or assume the forms of maidens or cats are often witches who dabble in Transmogrification, the art of shapeshifting. Only nonlawful witches dabble in this art. Power: The witch selects two of the following as class skills: Climb, Disguise, Escape Artist, and Swim. Bonus Spells Known: 0 mending, 1 reduce person, 2 alter self, 3 tree shape, 4 polymorph, 5 baleful polymorph, 6 flesh to stone, 7 polymorph any object, 8 baleful massmorph, 9 shapechange
Weather Magic
Weather witches are not uncommon, as the tempestuousness and danger of weather perfectly reflect the nature of many witches. Only Chaotic witches can dabble in Weather Magic. Power: The witch gains Electricity resistance 5. Bonus Spells Known: 0 jolt, 1 endure elements, 2 rainbow spray, 3 call lightning, 4 control winds, 5 call lightning storm, 6 control weather, 7 wind walk, 8 whirlwind, 9 storm of vengeance
White Magic
White Magic is the magic of light and life, goodness and beauty, and is dabbled in exclusively by Good witches. Power: Caress: The witch can heal 2 hit points per level per day; otherwise as a paladin's Lay on Hands ability. Bonus Spells Known: 0 disrupt undead, 1 bless, 2 glitterdust, 3 daylight, 4 sunray, 5 dispel evil, 6 heal, 7 sunbeam, 8 resurrection, 9 energy gain
Winter Magic
Nature's deadly pall, winter is a powerful expression of death and nature for some witches, one worth further exploration. Only Nongood witches dabble in Winter Magic. Power: The witch receives Cold resistance 5. Bonus Spells Known: 0 ray of frost, 1 chill touch, 2 chill metal, 3 slow, 4 wall of ice, 5 cone of cold, 6 summon monster VI (air elemental), 7 simulacrum, 8 colorless wall, 9 polar ray
Board Link: To feedback on this class posted on the Wizards of the Coast message boards. Originally posted in 2002.
Mistresses of haunted forests, healers on the outskirts of town, crones creeping through crypts, or that unusually charming maiden: witches come in all shapes and dispositions, but they are often objects of mystery and suspicion in most cultures, even hated and persecuted. Like sorcerers, witches are born with their aptitude for charms, trickery, and nature magic - often from the union of an ancestor and a Fey, Lycanthrope, or Outsider. Witches can also draw upon other sources of arcane inspiration, such as symbols, icons, and certain creatures, by dabbling in arcane Arts.
Witch is a path often pursued by humans, half-elves, and half-orcs. Male witches, often called warlocks, are uncommon except among the drow.

Witch Prestige Classes: astrologer, bog hag, cat cultist, crone, crystalcaster, demon witch, dreamweaver, faerie witch, gypsy witch, mistress of mirrors, mistress of mist, pentaclist, scalemaid, sister of the moon, violet lady, voodoo queen, warlock arachne, warlock of war, weird sister, white witch, winter warlock, witch king.
Adaptation: The witch, an expansion of the class hinted at in the DMG, is designed as a flavorful and accurate realization of the witch archetype, a standard in fantasy. When one hears the term "witch," very specific ideas come to mind - none of which are realized accurately in any of the standard core classes or their multiclass combinations. This witch can replace the sorcerer as a more flavorful alternative, using Dabble to represent bloodlines and giving the otherwise ho-hum sorcerer a more distinct flavor. Not only is a sorcerer/druid not a witch, it is an unfair dilution of two core classes. The witch deserves a place of her own at the table of D&D. She's been baking German children in gingerbread houses, foretelling the fall of Shakespearean kings, thwarting Merlins and vampire slayers, and chasing Bugs Bunny with a cauldron for thousands of years. And this is how I see her.
Game Rule Information
Witches (Wch) have the following game statistics.
Abilities: Charisma is a very important characteristic for witches, as it dictates their prowess as spellcasters and their skill in manipulation and influence. Lacking armor and most protective magicks, witches greatly benefit from high Dexterity scores to avoid deadly blows and high Constitution scores to survive those blows that land.
Base Attack Bonus: Poor (as a sorcerer).
Hit Die: d4.
Saves: Good Will / Poor Fortitude and Reflex.
Class Skills: The witch's class skills are Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Knowledge (Nature) (Int), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), and Survival (Wis). Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Intelligence modifier (x4 at 1st level).
Alignment: Any. Most witches tend to be chaotic and neutral.
Starting Age: As a sorcerer.
Starting Gold: 3d4 x 10gp.
Favored Class: Witch is favored class for half-elves and humans, and an additional or alternate favored class for half-orcs, at the DM's discretion.
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the witch.
Weapons and Armor Proficiency: Witches are proficient with the club, dagger, dart, and quarterfstaff. They are not proficient with any type of armor or with shields.
- Dabble, Familiar, Vulnerability, Witchcraft
- Cauldroncraft
- Trackless Step
- Bewitch [1/day]
- Hex [1/day]
- Dabble
- Bewitch [2/day]
- Coven
- Hex [2/day]
- Bewitch [3/day]
- Ageless, Dabble
Dabble [1st/10th/20th]
Each witch has a natural affinity for one of the forbidden, secret, or obscure branches of witchcraft called the Arcane Arts [see below]. Dabbling in a particular Art can merely reflect the witch's own personal preference or hint at some magical heredity. A witch descended from a humanoid and Fey union may naturally have a knack for Fairy Magic, for example, while one from a humanoid and weretiger coupling may dabble in Cat Magic, Moon Magic, or both. At the indicated levels, she selects an Art in which to dabble that corresponds with her alignment. She gains the indicated power and adds the listed spells to her list of Spells Known.
The witch is often accompanied by a peculiar animal familiar, such as a black cat, warty toad, or owl. Attracting her familiar takes one day and uses up magical materials that cost 100gp. If selected at 1st level, some Arts, such as Cat Magic, dictate the type of familiar received.
The cultist casts divine spells as a bard casts arcane spells, using her Charisma score to determine maximum spell level and Difficulty Class and her Wisdom score to determine bonus spells. The cultist chooses spells from the following list:
- Firebane: She is especially vulnerable to fire. Fire spells and effects do an additional +1 point of damage per die to the witch. Any fire damage the witch suffers can only be healed by magic.
- Ironbane: Cold iron weapons strike the witch as if the wielder has the Improved Critical feat (if the wielder has the Improved Critical feat, the threat range is only increased by 1). A critical hit forces the witch to make Fortitude save (DC equal to the damage dealt) or be nauseated for 1 round. Any cold iron damage the witch suffers can only be healed by magic.
- Marked: The witch has a deformity that clearly separates her from others of her race, such as green skin, a long warty nose, a large hump, or cloven feet. She does not receive her Charisma bonus to Diplomacy, Disguise, Gather Information, and Handle Animal checks and instead receives a penalty to those checks equal to half of her Charisma bonus (rounded up). Animals always regard the witch with hostility.
- Pact: The witch is schooled in magic by a more powerful being, such as a celestial, dragon, fiend, or spirit of the land – but at a price. Before being allowed access to spells of a higher spell level, the witch must strike a bargain with her patron, such as agreeing to perform some deed or making some sacrifice. The nature and difficulty of the bargain depends upon both the disposition of the patron and the capability of the witch. If she fails to complete the given bargain, she suffers a –10% penalty to all earned experience points, which stacks with any multiclassing penalties, until she attains another level of witch granting spellcasting and fulfills the next bargain.
- Pagan: Her pagan nature leaves the witch vulnerable to both holy water and unholy water. Splash from either liquid inflicts 2d4 points of acid damage upon the witch, which can only be healed with magic. In addition, if she consumes food or water created by divine magic, such as from the create food and water spell, she must make a Fortitude save (DC 10) or be nauseated for 1 hour.
- Silverbane: Silvered weapons strike the witch as if the wielder has the Improved Critical feat (if the wielder has the Improved Critical feat, the threat range is only increased by 1). A critical hit forces her to make Fortitude save (DC equal to the damage dealt) or be nauseated for 1 round. Any damage from silvered the witch suffers can only be healed by magic.
The witch practices witchcraft, magic of charms, deception, insight, and nature. She casts arcane spells without preparation, using the sorcerer spell progression. She uses her Charisma score to determine maximum spell level, spell DCs, and bonus spells. However, the witch uses her own spell list, called Witchcraft:
- 0 Level: cure minor wounds, dancing lights, daze, detect magic, ghost sound, guidance, light, lullaby, mending, message, prestidigitation, read magic, virtue
- 1st Level: cause fear, charm person, command, cure light wounds, disguise self, doom, entangle, faerie fire, hypnotism, lesser confusion, obscuring mist, silent image, sleep
- 2nd Level: alter self, augury, blindness/deafness, cure moderate wounds, eagle's splendor, enthrall, fog cloud, glitterdust, gust of wind, minor image, scare, Tasha's hideous laughter, whispering wind
- 3rd Level: arcane sight, bestow curse, call lightning, clairvoyance/clairaudience, contagion, deep slumber, dispel magic, hold person, magic circle against chaos/evil/good/law, major image, plant growth, poison, suggestion
- 4th Level: charm monster, command plants, discern lies, divination, Evard's black tentacles, fear, hallucinatory terrain, neutralize poison, polymorph, remove curse, remove disease, scrying, tongues
- 5th Level: baleful polymorph, break enchantment, control winds, dominate person, dream, feeblemind, greater command, hold monster, magic jar, mind fog, mirage arcana, nightmare, wall of thorns
- 6th Level: animate objects, control weather, dismissal, eyebite, flesh to stone, forbiddance, geas/quest, mass suggestion, mislead, project image, spellstaff, true seeing, veil
- 7th Level: creeping doom, finger of death, greater scrying, insanity, liveoak, transport via plants, vision
- 8th Level: binding, discern location, horrid wilting, mass charm monster, polymorph any object, power word: stun, trap the soul
- 9th Level: dominate monster, foresight, mass hold monster, shapechange, storm of vengeance, wail of the banshee, weird
Spell Notes: At 4th level and every two levels thereafter, the witch can exchange one of her Spells Known for any other spell of equal or lower level from the Witchcraft spell list or from any Art in which she dabbles. When casting any Witchcraft or Art spell with a divine focus, the witch may substitute a sprig of belladonna
Cauldroncraft [3rd level]
With a bubbling cauldron, the witch can concoct a variety or elixirs and potions. She receives the Brew Potion feat for free.
Trackless Step [5th level]
Creeping through woods, the witch is like a mist passing through shadows. She leaves no trail in natural surroundings and cannot be tracked. This is extraordinary.
Bewitch [6th/12th/18th level]
By merely uttering a few seductive words, the witch can bewitch another creature with charm person. If the witch delivers Bewitch as a touch attack, the DC is increased +2. This spell-like ability can be used once per day for every six levels of witch.
Hex [7th/14th level]
By uttering a few carefully chosen words – sometimes poetic, often vulgar – the witch can hex any creature within 30 feet as if she had cast a ranged version of bestow curse. If the witch delivers the Hex as a touch attack, the DC increases +2. This spell-like ability can be used once per day for every seven levels of witch.
Coven [13th level]
A witch of sufficient power and renown attracts lesser witches, her seek her out for instruction and protection. The witch is considered to have the Leadership feat for the purposes of attracting witches and warlocks as followers. If she already has the Leadership feat, her effective level is considered +2 for the purposes of attracting other witches.
In addition, witches gain power in numbers. When at least seven ally witches are within a 30-foot radius area, with no two witches more than 30 feet apart, each witch enjoys a +2 morale bonus to the DC of all witch spells they cast. When 13 witches congregate, they enjoy a +4 morale bonus to the DC of all witch spells they cast. This is extraordinary.
Ageless [20th level]
She is forever young. The witch no longer suffers ability penalties for aging and cannot be magically aged; bonuses are still accrued, and she still dies of old age when her time it up. This is extraordinary.
Epic Witch: The epic-level witch continues her Hit Die, skill point, Bewitch, and Hex progressions. In addition, she receives bonus feats at 24th level and every four levels thereafter (24th, 28th, 32nd, 36th, etc).
Arcane Arts
The following Arcane Arts can only be accessed by witches or those with the Dabble class feature.
Witches who dabble in Astrology believe that fate is found in the stars, in the patterns and dictates of the zodiac. Only witches of a Nonchaotic alignment can dabble in Astrology. Power: Starcharting: The witch gains the Fortunetelling feat for free. Bonus Spells Known: 0 know direction, 1 little dipper [or bless]. 2 silence 3 deeper darkness, 4 shooting star [or air walk], 5 ursa minor [or contact other plane], 6 shadow walk, 7 aim of Sagittarius [or sunburst], 8 Gemini twin [or scintillating pattern], 9 meteor swarm
Some witches celebrate the various forms of beauty that nature provides, finding beauty even in that which others disregard. Only nonevil witches dabble in Beauty. Power: Inner Beauty: The witch receives a +2 bonus on all Charisma-based skill checks. Bonus Spells Known: 0 purify food and drink, 1 color spray, 2 make whole, 3 fairy wings [or daylight], 4 repel vermin, 5 fabricate, 6 symbol of persuasion, 7 regenerate, 8 scintillating pattern, 9 prismatic sphere
Black Magic (The Dark Art)
Also known as the Dark Art, Black Magic is a vile branch of witchcraft devoted to death and pain. Only witches of an Evil alignment can dabble in Black Magic. Power: Poison Apples: The witch can handle poisons with no chance of poisoning herself and receives a +2 bonus to all Craft (Poisonmaking) checks. Bonus Spells Known: 0 gothic [or inflict minor wounds] 1 animate corpse [or deathwatch], 2 command undead, 3 vampiric touch, 4 animate dead, 5 blight, 6 create undead, 7 blasphemy, 8 unholy aura, 9 arrow of slaying [or soulbind]
Brimstone (The Infernal Art)
Witches that dabble in Brimstone command the fires of Hell. Only witches of an Evil alignment dabble in the Infernal Art. Power: Intimidate and Knowledge (The Planes) are class skills, and the witch can speak Infernal as a bonus language. Bonus Spells Known: 0 resistance, 1 fury eyes [ or endure elements], 2 summon monster II (lemure), 3 stinking cloud, 4 wall of fire, 5 summon monster V (bearded devil), 6 cloudkill, 7 fire storm, 8 incendiary cloud, 9 summon monster IX (barbed devil)
The witch's broom is a thing of legends - as a companion, weapon, and even means of transportation. Power: In the hands of the witch, a normal broom can be wielded as if it were a club or a quarterstaff (her choice each round), and she receives a +1 to her attack and damage rolls with such a weapon. All Brooms spells require possession of a broom. Bonus Spells Known: 0 big stick [or resistance], 1 shillelagh, 2 animate item (broom) [or warp wood], 3 fly, 4 minor creation, 5 overland flight, 6 banishment, 7 repulsion, 8 changestaff, 9 refuge
Candles are a source of power in many arcane rituals, and their dancing light radiates mystical potential. Only Nonlawful witches can dabble in Candles. Power: Candlesight: The witch gains low-light vision; if she already possesses this ability, she can now see three times as far (instead of twice as far) as a creature without it. Bonus Spells Known: 0 know direction, 1 detect undead, 2 continual flame, 3 flame arrow, 4 summon monster IV (lantern archon), 5 fire shield, 6 shadow walk, 7 delayed blast fireball, 8 scintillating pattern, 9 ursa major [or astral projection]
Cat Magic
Indifferent yet curious, cats are revered by many witches as mystical creatures, and their essence tapped for arcane power. Only witches with a Neutral component to their alignment can dabble in Cat Magic, and they always receive a cat as their familiar. Power: Tongue of the Cat: The witch gains Wild Empathy with felines and can communicate with felines twice per day as if using speak with animals, as cast by a druid of her character level. Bonus Spells Known: 0 know direction, 1 jump, 2 cat's grace, 3 greater magic fang, 4 polymorph (feline), 5 summon nature's ally V (dire lion), 6 mass cat's grace, 7 summon nature's ally VII (dire tiger), 8 summon monster VIII (hellcat), 9 wail of the banshee
Some witches find additional arcane potential in the cauldron, often used in the brewing of potions. Only Nonchaotic witches can dabble in Cauldrons. Power: Witch's Brew: The witch incurs only 75% of the normal costs associated with the Brew Potion feat and receives a +2 bonus on all Craft (Alchemy) checks. All Cauldrons spells require a small pot or cauldron as a material component. Bonus Spells Known: 0 create water, 1 grease, 2 pyrotechnics, 3 create food and water, 4 solid fog, 5 cloudkill, 6 ironwood, 7 simulacrum, 8 incendiary cloud, 9 gate
Many witches harness the hidden mystical power inherent to crystals, shards, and gems, using these items for both their magical potential and natural beauty. Only witches of Nonevil alignment can dabble with Crystals. Power: Spellcrystal: Once per day, the witch can cast a Witchcraft or Art spell as if affected by the Eschew Materials feat or by the Silent Spell or Still Spell feat without taking up the higher spell slot or requiring her to have the feat, as long as she possesses a gem of at least 25gp value. Bonus Spells Known: 0 resistance, 1 color spray, 2 shatter, 3 keen edge, 4 minor creation, 5 wall of stone, 6 blade barrier, 7 prismatic spray, 8 refuge, 9 trap the soul
The curse already plays a major role in mainstream witchcraft, yet there are even deeper pools of cruelty and venom to explore, new ways to exact vengeance and ruin. Only Nongood witches can dabble in Curses. Power: Profanity: Once per day, the witch can cast a witchcraft spell with a Verbal component as if affected by the Eschew Materials feat or by the Silent Spell feat without taking up the higher spell slot or requiring her to have the feat. Bonus Spells Known: 0 touch of fatigue, 1 bane, 2 jinx [or desecrate], 3 remove curse, 4 crushing despair, 5 mark of justice, 6 permanency, 7 pwer worda: blind, 8 blasphemy, 9 imprisonment
Demonology (The Abyssal Art)
Summoning spells are rare in mainstream witchcraft. Some witches, however, dabble in Demonology, the forbidden form of summoning, coercing, and imploring demons and other fiends to do their bidding. Only Nongood witches can dabble in the Abyssal Art. Power: Intimidate and Knowledge (The Planes) are class skills, and the witch can speak Abyssal as a bonus language. Bonus Spells Known: 0 resistance, 1 bane, 2 detect thoughts, 3 summon monster III (dretch), 4 dismissal, 5 contact other plane, 6 planar binding, 7 summon monster VII (babau), 8 summon monster VIII (vrock), 9 gate
Dreams are powerful manifestations of subconscious fears and desires. Some witches tap that imaginary world for arcane power. Only Chaotic witches can dabble in Dreams. Power: Lucidity: She adds her Charisma modifier to all Will saves to disbelieve Illusions and avoid sleep effects. Bonus Spells Known: 0 touch of fatigue 1 feather fall, 2 identify, 3 dream, 4 phantasmal killer, 5 symbol of sleep, 6 permanent image, 7 limited wish, 8 moment of prescience, 9 astral projection
Fairy Magic
Some witches tap Fey for arcane inspiration, drawing upon these nature spirits to augment their own magic. Only Nonlawful witches can dabble in Fairy Magic, a favorite Art of elves. Power: The witch speaks Sylvan and either Aquan, Auran, Elven, or Terran as bonus languages; if she already speaks Sylvan, she can select a second listed language. Bonus Spells Known: 0 daze animal, 1 pass without trace, 2 clover patch [or animal messenger], 3 fairy wings [or invisibility], 4 summon nature's ally (unicorn), 5 commune with nature, 6 cat's grace: mass, 7 summon nature's ally VII (pixie), 8 Otto's irresistible dance, 9 summon nature's ally IX (grig)
Folk Magic
Mysterious but earthy, spiritual yet vengeful, gypsies are the primary dabblers in Folk Magic, a hodgepodge Art also practiced by fortunetellers, peasant herbalists, witch doctors, and other Nonlawful witches. Power: The witch can take the Fortunetelling feat for free or select two of the following as class skills: Gather Information, Knowledge (Local), Perform, or Sleight of Hand. Bonus Spells Known: 0 purify food and drink, 1 goodberry, 2 delay poison, 3 speak with dead, 4 legend lore, 5 mark of justice, 6 heal, 7 raise dead, 8 Otto's irresistible dance, 9 power word: kill
Gaze Magic
The gaze of a witch can be a terrible thing, bringing charm or woe or even death, as she wishes. Only Nongood witches can dabble in Gaze Magic. Power: Witcheye: All gaze attacks from the witch enjoy a +2 bonus to their DCs, and she may select either Intimidate or Spot as a class skill. Bonus Spells Known: 0 detect poison, 1 fury eyes [or detect secret doors], 2 darkvision, 3 detect scrying, 4 invisibility: greater, 5 telekinesis, 6 analyse dweomer, 7 power word: blind, 8 polar ray, 9 implosion
Green Magic
Many witches hold particular sway over the vines and trees of the woodlands. Only Nonevil witches can dabble in Green Magic. Power: Woodland Stride: The witch can move through any sort of undergrowth at her normal speed without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. Bonus Spells Known: 0 big stick [or purify food and drink], 1 shillelagh, 2 tree shape, 3 speak with plants, 4 antiplant shell, 5 commune with nature, 6 greater cudgel, [or liveoak], 7 changestaff, 8 control plants, 9 shambler
Incantations are chants and recitations that evoke magic, or arcane rhymes and mystical poems. Due to the structure and precision required by the Spoken Art, dabblers in Incantations must be Nonchaotic. Power: Speakspell: Once per day, the witch can cast a witchcraft spell with a Verbal component as if affected by the Eschew Materials feat or by the Still Spell feat without taking up the higher spell slot or requiring her to have the feat. Bonus Spells Known: 0 open/close, 1 magic mouth, 2 shatter, 3 prayer, 4 shout, 5 commune, 6 power word: deafen [ or word of recall], 7 word of chaos, 8 shout: greater, 9 wish
Some witches find power in mirrors, in their reversed worlds and revealed truths. Others simply find power in their own image – a vanity that fuels their ambitions. Only Nonchaotic witches (those who "will not shatter") dabble in Mirrors. Power: Self-Image: She adds her Charisma modifier to all Will saves against Charm effects. Bonus Spells Known: 0 flare, 1 entropic shield, 2 mirror image, 3 displacement, 4 imbue with spell ability, 5 mislead, 6 juxtaposition [ or cure moderate wounds: mass], 7 spell turning, 8 spell turning, 9 Gemini twin
Mist Magic
Slowly creeping fogs and eerily quiet clouds: Some witches draw on the essence of mist for arcane inspiration. Only witches with a Neutral component to their alignment dabble in Mist Magic. Power: Fogfoot: Once per day for 10 minutes, the witch can pass without trace through any environment, as the spell cast by a druid of her caster level.. Bonus Spells Known: 0 daze, 1 obscuring mist, 2 fog cloud, 3 gaseous form, 4 solid fog, 5 cloudkill, 6 wind walk, 7 etherealness, 8 incendiary cloud, 9 summon monster IX (elder air elemental)
Moon Magic (The Pale Circle)
Tapping the energies of the moon, the night, and darkness, witches who dabble in Moon Magic, also known as the Pale Circle, must have a Neutral component to their alignment. Power: The witch gains low-light vision; if she already possesses this ability, she can now see three times as far (instead of twice as far) as a creature without it. Bonus Spells Known: 0 gothic, 1 faerie fire, 2 owl's wisdom, 3 deep slumber, 4 fear, 5 mind fog, 6 shadow walk, 7 insanity, 8 ursa major, 9 summon monster IX (night hag)
Some witches hold that numbers have power, that destinies are borne and empires crumble at their hidden meanings and powerful sequences. Only Lawful witches dabble in Numerology. Power: Numerate: Once per day, the witch can cast a witchcraft spell as if affected by the Enlarge Spell or Extend Spell feat without taking up the higher spell slot or requiring her to have the feat. Bonus Spells Known: 0 internal sundial, 1 reduce person, 2 mirror image, 3 slow, 4 mass enlarge person, 5 spell resistance, 6 greater haste, 7 greater restoration, 8 clone, 9 time stop
The pentacle, the five-pointed star at the heart of magic circle spells, is a powerful symbol to the witch. Some witches, however, recognize additional power in this particular rune. Witches dabbling in Pentacles must be Nonchaotic. Power: The witch gains the Spell Thematics feat affecting the Pentacles spell list, raising the DC of all affected spells by +1 and with the illusory manifestation always including images of pentacles. Bonus Spells Known: 0 arcane mark, 1 shield, 2 hypnotic pattern, 3 glyph of warding, 4 wall of fire (ring), 5 symbol of pain, 6 circle of death, 7 antimagic aura, 8 symbol of death, 9 teleportation circle
Some witches uncover their third eye, gaining insight into truth and possibility. Only Nonchaotic witches dabble in Prophecy. Power: The witch can take the Fortunetelling feat for free or select two of the following as class skills: Decipher Script, Listen, Sense Motive, or Spot. Bonus Spells Known: 0 guidance, 1 true strike, 2 detect thoughts, 3 clairvoyance/clairaudience, 4 minor divination, 5 true seeing, 6 prophecy, 7 vision, 8 greater danger sense, 9 foresight
Raven Magic
Mysterious and clever, ravens hold a distinct place in witchcraft. Only nongood witches dabble in Raven Magic, and they always receive a raven as their familiar. Power: Raventongue: The witch gains Wild Empathy with birds and can communicate with birds twice per day as if using speak with animals, as cast by a druid of her character level. Bonus Spells Known: 0 gothic, 1 feather fall, 2 animal messenger (birds), 3 fly, 4 freedom of movement, 5 baleful polymorph (raven), 6 shadow walk, 7 forcecage, 8 summon nature's ally VIII (roc), 9 baleful massmorph (ravens)
Witches are naturally subtle and sly creatures, more prone to innuendo and secrecy than candor. Some witches further explore the magic of mystery by dabbling in Secrets. Knowledge is only as secret as the resolve of those who know it; as such, only Nonchaotic witches dabble in Secrets. Power: The witch gains two of the following as class skills: Disguise, Hide, Listen, or Move Silently. Bonus Spells Known: 0 detect secret doors, 1 disguise self, 2 detect thoughts, 3 nondetection, 4 modify memory, 5 true seeing, 6 legend lore, 7 mass invisibility, 8 antipathy, 9 mind blank
Seduction is practiced by witches and nonwitches alike. Some witches, however, find additional power in their own personal magnetism, in deception and temptation. Only Nongood witches can dabble in the illicit Art of Seduction. Power: The witch gains two of the following as class skills: Diplomacy, Gather Information, Perform, or Sense Motive. Bonus Spells Known: 0 message, 1 disguise self, 2 eagle's splendor, 3 tongues, 4 charm monster, 5 seeming, 6 mass suggestion, 7 mass charm monster, 8 sympathy, 9 dominate monster
Serpent Magic
This often sinister Art, also known as the Serpentine Way, draws on the essence of snakes and reptiles for arcane power. Only Nongood witches can dabble in Serpent Magic, and they always receive a snake as a familiar. Power: She receives a +1 bonus to Reflex saves and a +3 bonus to saves against poison. Bonus Spells Known: 0 detect poison, 1 animate rope, 2 summon monster II (fiendish viper), 3 sepia snake sigil, 4 polymorph (snake), 5 baleful polymorph (snake), 6 summon monster VI (fiendish constrictor), 7 wyrm's cunning, 8 baleful massmorph (snakes), 9 summon monster IX (couatl)
Melodies can carry arcane magic, and many Nonevil witches dabble in Songs, exploring the arcana and beauty of song. Power: Spellsong: Perform (Sing) is a class skill, and once per day, the witch can cast a Witchcraft or Art spell with a Verbal component as if affected by the Eschew Materials feat or by the Still Spell feat without taking up the higher spell slot or requiring that she have the feat. Bonus Spells Known: 0 lullaby, 1 magic mouth, 2 enthrall, 3 ovation, 4 shout, 5 song of discord, 6 power word: deafen, 7 unicorn's splendor, 8 Otto's irresistible dance, 9 wail of the banshee
Spider Magic (The Drow Art)
Also known as the Drow Art, Spider Magic draws on the essence of the spider for arcane power. Only Evil witches, most commonly drow warlocks, can dabble in Spider Magic. Power: The witch receives Climb as a class skill and a +3 bonus to saves against poison. Bonus Spells Known: 0 detect poison, 1 spider climb, 2 web, 3 poison, 4 giant vermin, 5 baleful polymorph (spider), 6 summon monster VI (fiendish monstrous spider), 7 creeping doom, 8 baleful massmorph (spiders), 9 summon monster IX (fiendish monstrous spider)
Some witches tap the unseen world for power, holding sway over spirits and souls. Only Evil and Good witches can dabble in Spiritism. Power: Strong Spirit: The witch is immune to fear. Bonus Spells Known: 0 project thought, 1 detect undead, 2 detect thoughts, 3 speak with dead, 4 phantasmal killer, 5 death ward, 6 reincarnate, 7 control undead, 8 astral projection, 9 soul bind
Swamp Magic
Bogs and marshes are home to many witches, and some draw upon their environment for arcane power. Only witches with a Neutral component to their alignments can dabble in Swamp Magic. Power: Crocodillic: Swim is a class skill. The witch can hold her breath for a number of additional minutes equal to 1 + half her levels in witch before requiring drowning checks. Bonus Spells Known: 0 create water, 1 grease, 2 summon swarm, 3 stinking cloud, 4 summon nature's ally IV (giant crocodile), 5 transmute rock to mud, 6 control water, 7 creeping doom, 8 control plants, 9 shambler
The tradition of Tarot has a long history in witchcraft - the use of cards to tell the future and seal fate. Only nonchaotic witches dabble in Tarot. Power: Draw: The witch can select the Fortunetelling feat for free or she may substitute a tarot card or playing card for any material component worth 10gp or less once per day. Bonus Spells Known: 0 Ace of Cups (little dipper), 1 The Empress (command), 2 augury, 3 Temperance (hold person), 4 Queen of Staves (cudgel), 5 The Chariot (black carriage), 6 Ace of Pentacles (greater glyph of warding), 7 Queen of Swords (Mordenkainen's sword), 8 Strength (titan's strength), 9 The High Priestess (mass heal)
Witches have a long history with the toadstool, and some witches utilize these and other fungi for powerful effects. Dabblers in Toadstools must have a Neutral component to their alignment. Power: To better find fungi where they grow, the witch gains low-light vision; if she already possesses this ability, she gains darkvision out to 30 feet, which does not stack with existing darkvision. Bonus Spells Known: 0 detect poison, 1 toadstool (goodberry), 2 darkness, 3 poison, 4 vampiric touch, 5 mind fog, 6 cloudkill, 7 animate plants, 8 control plants, 9 shambler
Behind tales of witches who turn men into pigs or assume the forms of maidens or cats are often witches who dabble in Transmogrification, the art of shapeshifting. Only nonlawful witches dabble in this art. Power: The witch selects two of the following as class skills: Climb, Disguise, Escape Artist, and Swim. Bonus Spells Known: 0 mending, 1 reduce person, 2 alter self, 3 tree shape, 4 polymorph, 5 baleful polymorph, 6 flesh to stone, 7 polymorph any object, 8 baleful massmorph, 9 shapechange
Weather Magic
Weather witches are not uncommon, as the tempestuousness and danger of weather perfectly reflect the nature of many witches. Only Chaotic witches can dabble in Weather Magic. Power: The witch gains Electricity resistance 5. Bonus Spells Known: 0 jolt, 1 endure elements, 2 rainbow spray, 3 call lightning, 4 control winds, 5 call lightning storm, 6 control weather, 7 wind walk, 8 whirlwind, 9 storm of vengeance
White Magic
White Magic is the magic of light and life, goodness and beauty, and is dabbled in exclusively by Good witches. Power: Caress: The witch can heal 2 hit points per level per day; otherwise as a paladin's Lay on Hands ability. Bonus Spells Known: 0 disrupt undead, 1 bless, 2 glitterdust, 3 daylight, 4 sunray, 5 dispel evil, 6 heal, 7 sunbeam, 8 resurrection, 9 energy gain
Winter Magic
Nature's deadly pall, winter is a powerful expression of death and nature for some witches, one worth further exploration. Only Nongood witches dabble in Winter Magic. Power: The witch receives Cold resistance 5. Bonus Spells Known: 0 ray of frost, 1 chill touch, 2 chill metal, 3 slow, 4 wall of ice, 5 cone of cold, 6 summon monster VI (air elemental), 7 simulacrum, 8 colorless wall, 9 polar ray
Board Link: To feedback on this class posted on the Wizards of the Coast message boards. Originally posted in 2002.
so is this the most up-to-date version of your awesome witch class?
i love your witch class Shadowfoot i want to make my own witch but i cant find anymore of your prestiguge except wierd sister did you lose them? will you post them again?
Do you have a PDF of all your wonderful creations? I know a lot of gamers would love to have one.
Will a PDF of your 3.5 stuff be released?
I'd buy it.
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