The Divinate
[D&D Prestige Class]
The Divinate
The divinate is the master of divine magic, able to cast divine spells both through prayer and mysticism, allowing her both great versatility and formidable power.
Most divinates are clerics or druids multiclassed with either cultist, mystic, or shaman.

To qualify to become a divinate (Dvnt), a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Skills: Concentration 4, Heal 2, Knowledge (Nature or Religion) 9, Knowledge (Arcana, Nature, Religion, or The Planes) 6, Spellcraft 9.
Feats: One Metamagic feat, one Divine or Wild feat, and one General feat that specifically affects or augments spellcasting, such as Augment Summoning, Combat Casting, or Spell Focus. If the character does not qualify for Divine or Wild feats due to the nature of her divine spellcasting, she may substitute another Metamagic feat or another appropriate General feat.
Spells: The character must be able to cast 2nd-level divine spells without preparation and 2nd-level divine spells with preparation.
Game Rule Information
Divinates have the following game statistics.
Base Attack Bonus: Average (as a dragon disciple).
Hit Die: d6.
Saves: Good Will / Poor Reflex and Fortitude.
Class Skills: The divinate's class skills are Concentration (Con), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (Nature) (Int), Knowledge (Religion) (Int), Knowledge (The Planes) (Int), and Spellcraft (Int). Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Intelligence modifier.
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the divinate prestige class.
Weapons and Armor Proficiency: Divinates gain no additional weapon or armor proficiencies.
The divinate is the master of divine magic. At each level, he gains new Spells per Day and Spells Known as if he had also gained a level in both divine classes that met the Spells requirement of this prestige class. If he had more than two classes that met the Spells requirement, he must select the two to benefit, a decision that cannot be later changed.
Bonus Domain or Feat [10th level]
His mastery of divine magic leaps forward. The divinate may adopt an additional domain, gaining the granted power and adding the domain's spells to the list of domain spells from which he may select each day, or he may select as a bonus feat any Metamagic feat, any Divine divine, any Wild feat, or any General feat that specifically affects or augments his divine spellcasting, such as Greater Spell Focus. The divinate must qualify for any feat selected.
Epic Divinate: The epic-level divinate continues his Hit Die and skill point progressions. In addition, he receives bonus epic feats at 13th level and every three levels thereafter (13th, 16th, 19th, 22nd, etc.).
History: Originally posted on the Wizards of the Coast message boards in October of 2003.
Board Link: To feedback on this class posted on the Wizards of the Coast message boards.
The divinate is the master of divine magic, able to cast divine spells both through prayer and mysticism, allowing her both great versatility and formidable power.
Most divinates are clerics or druids multiclassed with either cultist, mystic, or shaman.

To qualify to become a divinate (Dvnt), a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Skills: Concentration 4, Heal 2, Knowledge (Nature or Religion) 9, Knowledge (Arcana, Nature, Religion, or The Planes) 6, Spellcraft 9.
Feats: One Metamagic feat, one Divine or Wild feat, and one General feat that specifically affects or augments spellcasting, such as Augment Summoning, Combat Casting, or Spell Focus. If the character does not qualify for Divine or Wild feats due to the nature of her divine spellcasting, she may substitute another Metamagic feat or another appropriate General feat.
Spells: The character must be able to cast 2nd-level divine spells without preparation and 2nd-level divine spells with preparation.
Game Rule Information
Divinates have the following game statistics.
Base Attack Bonus: Average (as a dragon disciple).
Hit Die: d6.
Saves: Good Will / Poor Reflex and Fortitude.
Class Skills: The divinate's class skills are Concentration (Con), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (Nature) (Int), Knowledge (Religion) (Int), Knowledge (The Planes) (Int), and Spellcraft (Int). Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Intelligence modifier.
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the divinate prestige class.
Weapons and Armor Proficiency: Divinates gain no additional weapon or armor proficiencies.
- Spellcasting [+1 Spellcasting without Preparation / +1 Spellcasting with Preparation]
- [+1 Spellcasting without Preparation / +1 Spellcasting with Preparation]
- [+1 Spellcasting without Preparation / +1 Spellcasting with Preparation]
- [+1 Spellcasting without Preparation / +1 Spellcasting with Preparation]
- [+1 Spellcasting without Preparation / +1 Spellcasting with Preparation]
- [+1 Spellcasting without Preparation / +1 Spellcasting with Preparation]
- [+1 Spellcasting without Preparation / +1 Spellcasting with Preparation]
- [+1 Spellcasting without Preparation / +1 Spellcasting with Preparation]
- [+1 Spellcasting without Preparation / +1 Spellcasting with Preparation]
- Bonus Feat or Domain [+1 Spellcasting without Preparation / +1 Spellcasting with Preparation]
The divinate is the master of divine magic. At each level, he gains new Spells per Day and Spells Known as if he had also gained a level in both divine classes that met the Spells requirement of this prestige class. If he had more than two classes that met the Spells requirement, he must select the two to benefit, a decision that cannot be later changed.
Bonus Domain or Feat [10th level]
His mastery of divine magic leaps forward. The divinate may adopt an additional domain, gaining the granted power and adding the domain's spells to the list of domain spells from which he may select each day, or he may select as a bonus feat any Metamagic feat, any Divine divine, any Wild feat, or any General feat that specifically affects or augments his divine spellcasting, such as Greater Spell Focus. The divinate must qualify for any feat selected.
Epic Divinate: The epic-level divinate continues his Hit Die and skill point progressions. In addition, he receives bonus epic feats at 13th level and every three levels thereafter (13th, 16th, 19th, 22nd, etc.).
History: Originally posted on the Wizards of the Coast message boards in October of 2003.
Board Link: To feedback on this class posted on the Wizards of the Coast message boards.
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