Harry Potter's a Global Plot...To Corrupt Kids?!
Hm? Noooo!backawayslowlyThat's Not Crazy at All!

Not too close, kids. He could blow at any moment. Run back to craft services as fast as you can!
Harry Potter's 'Relativism' Dangerous for Youth, Author Says
from AgapePress
British author J.K. Rowling has sold an estimated 300 million copies of her popular series of books on a fictional society of witches and wizards. The books have also spawned a series of popular and financially successful films. But Gabriele Kuby, author of the book Harry Potter: Good or Evil,

"The confusion of good and evil, which happens in Harry Potter all the time, is dangerous because it's the foundation of what the Pope calls relativism," Kuby explains. "Relativism means there's no sure criteria for good and evil – and if that is sunk into the soul, it's dangerous."

"Any kind of witchcraft, cursing, and so on, is the normal, everyday life in Hogwarts, which is the place Harry and his friends love to be," she says. "And so the youth of this globe, in fantasy, is getting used to using occult methods to exercise power. I think this is dangerous."
In 2003,

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