And Abracatanya!
Ooh, Hello! Abracademily!'

Magic...it explains so much.
Man Says 'Spell' Won Him Harem of 10 Wives
from Reuters with Update
TOKYO - A middle-aged Tokyo man found to be living with 10 younger women said he attracted them by reciting an incantation that came to him in a dream.
The 57-year-old man's unusual living arrangements came to light when another woman complained to police that he had threatened her after she refused to join his harem, Kyodo news agency said Wednesday.
"I had a dream that told me I would become attractive to women if I recited a particular incantation," it quoted the man as saying.
A rapid series of weddings and divorces left the man with a large group of ex-wives, mostly in their 20s and 30s, who shared his surname and continued to live with him.
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