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Spidey-Sense Tingling: Just a warning of some possible ways this research could go horribly, horribly wrong...
Scientists Aim To Regrow Human Limbs
from CNN

Both sets of amphibians have a set of genes that enable them to recreate their own severed limbs.
The scientists, from the University of Manchester's faculty of life sciences,

Enrique Amaya, professor of tissues regeneration at the university, said studies showed that salamanders can grow entire new limbs in less than a month due to cells known as blastema, which can regenerate body parts. Tadpoles whose tails were amputated grew them back in nine days, but they lost their regenerative ability after becoming frogs. Human embryos could also

The underlying genetic and cell biological mechanisms in frogs are essentially the same as those in humans, Amaya said.

He said the scientists would first work to establish whether frogs could regenerate as adults. They would then be able to identify mechanisms to enable mammals to regenerate limbs in the same ways as salamanders.
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