Psylocked & Loaded

I guess it's been awhile. When I stopped reading comics, Psylocke was a dainty, frilly, gentle, sweet-as-cookies British telepath who made images of mental butterflies when she used telepathy. (picture, below left) Who the hell is this chick? Moving through shadows?! Fighting abilities?! Assassin?! EVIL?!?! Sweet Betsy?!? The only thing the Betsy I remember could fight off was a cold and wrinkles in her pink frilly dress.
Mei Melancon Joins The X3 Cast
from Dark Horizon

Word began leaking last week from the Vancouver set that the latest X-Men installment would introduce the character Psylocke, who has had several incarnations in

In the film, she will fight against the X-Men as a member of Magneto's (Ian McKellen) Brotherhood of Mutants.
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