Sneak Peek at Tarantino's Harry Potter & the Jigsaw of Bloody Chunks?!
Cut into Pieces for Allegedly Practicing Witchcraft
from New Karala

A police official said the tribal man, Bhim Turi, attacked and killed the two men Sunday with sharp weapons at the Rajmai tea garden in Sivasagar district, east of Assam's main city of Guwahati.
On Sunday evening, the 45-year-old garden worker attacked the alleged sorcerer with a machete and killed him at an isolated area inside the plantation.
"Turi had sliced the body into pieces and was preparing to bury in a pit nearby when another garden worker saw him," a police official said.
Turi pounced on him and killed him as well thinking he was also a partner of the victim.
"He finished chopping off the two dead bodies into pieces when a group of garden workers spotted him," the official said.
Police arrested Turi after the workers managed to capture him.
"It is shocking that even in this age you find about 200 people killed each year, inspired by superstitions," Assam's Inspector General of Police said. "We need to get rid of these practices and beliefs, to save innocent lives being lost."
Superstitious beliefs, black magic and demonology form an integral part of tribal customs.

An Exclusive Preview: '...and then after three good whacks of the blade, Ron's head finally came free and rolled clumsily towards them, still gasping and gurgling in crimson sprays of steaming blood. Just then, Harry's bowels released, soiling Hermione's new shoes...'
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