Demon Attacks Vampire & Her Dinner

Good Samaritan Has Run-In with Demon
from The Associated Press
KINGWOOD, W.Va. - A good Samaritan had a run-in with a demon after stopping to help a vampire. The unidentified motorist was flagged down by Angela Caplinger of Kingwood after she got into an argument with her husband following a costume party on Saturday night.

Portaro said Angela Caplinger asked the motorist to take her to the sheriff's department. She got into the car and Roy Caplinger allegedly jumped on the hood.
Seeing a demon on the car startled the motorist and the vehicle sped off, causing Roy Caplinger to fall off.
Portaro later saw a man dressed as a demon walking near the site of the incident and arrested him on charges of driving under the influence and domestic battery. Roy Caplinger was treated and released from the hospital, then taken to jail, still wearing his costume.
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