Tinky, Winky & Blinky: Florida's UFOs Return

Mysterious Red Lights Appear Over Southland
from DailySouthtown.com
They're baaack!
FLORIDA - Those peculiar pulsing red lights reappeared over Southland skies early Saturday morning, causing many a neck to crane upward and many a police switchboard to light up with calls.

Cindy Evans, of Tinley Park, was out with her kids Friday night when about 11 p.m. her 8-year-old daughter Emily spotted the mysterious lights in the clear night sky near 163rd Street and Prairie Drive.
"It was almost like they were stars — they were far enough away that they were like stars," Evans said.
Nope, she decided. Too red. In fact, Evans and other witnesses were quick to say what the lights were not: satellites (too low); a reflection (too intense); an airplane (too slow); and a helicopter (too quiet), among other things.
Evans said she called the Federal Aviation Association looking for an answer and was disappointed they couldn't offer one. The FAA did not return the Southtown's calls.
The lights weren't weather-related, either, since the National Weather Service reported nothing unusual, a spokesman said. Had the luminous phenomenon been meteorological, NWS satellites would have picked up something — like the night NWS registered a meteorite that fell into a Park Forest home in 2003.
None of the witnesses wanted to use the word "UFO" to describe what they saw, even though, technically, the lights were some kind of unidentified flying object.
Still, it didn't take long for Southlanders to log onto a national UFO reporting site to quantify what they witnessed, photographed and filmed.
Only Evans' other 8-year-old, Abbey, put herself out there with a brave and hopeful suggestion.
"Maybe it's the tooth fairy," the youngster who just lost a tooth told her mother.
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