Darth Scykotic: Tom Cruise, Sith Lord

Backstage at Oprah: Tom awaits the makeup artist and thinks about his new apprentice, Katie Holmes, and then...
Tom Cruise Kills Oprah!
(video don't lie)

...before jumping on her corpse in manic glee...
'All hail Shadowfoot, the Maker & Creator!
Lord of All That Is Really Neat & Fun!'
[Oh Yeah, D&D Geeks Love Me!]
posted by Darren at 12:40:00 PM
Now, ask what the Great Conjunction is. 'What's the Great Conjunction?'
What's the Great Conjunction? You tell me!
The Great Conjunction Is the End of the World!
...Or the beginning. Hm! End, begin - all the same. Big change! Sometimes good...sometimes bad.
Free Katie Holmes.
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