Not-So-Incredible Hulk 2: Greenback Mountain

'Bad sequel make Hulk mad! First bad enough!'
David Duchovny Not Afraid of Straight to Video Hulk Sequel
from Defamer
Brokeback Mountain director Ang Lee is probably at this moment luxuriating in a bubble bath in his Hilton suite, gleefully using his new best director trophy for a little round of Golden Globe submarine commander. These recent accolades are almost enough to erase the memory of his disastrous last effort, The Hulk, which Lee admits left him "depressed and shaken." But while the production may have been a traumatic one for Lee, and a disappointment at the box office, it still made enough money ($245 million) for Universal to consider a Hulk 2–just don’t expect it to be playing anywhere besides a home theater near you:
Peter Cuneo,

He said, "Duchovny's name has been bought up several times. He's quite the fan too."
Bana pulled out of the sequel when he discovered the plan was to release the film direct to DVD.
We can hardly blame Bana for pulling out of the project, seeing as it's probably unwise to follow a much lauded, starring role in a "serious" Spielberg picture with an appearance in a Blockbuster Video bargain bin exclusive. But for Duchovny, whose recent work has amounted to some poorly reviewed indie features and video game voiceover work, Hulk 2: Return to Care Bear Island could be just the mean green comeback to reignite his once red hot career.
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